11 February 2024
Hello, everybody, it's Sunday so time for a quick update about what's happening in Kalpar world. This has been a slow week so there's not a whole lot to report.
I have managed to finishe a fourth story for the mysterious Book Project #3 (Release late 2024?) which brings it up to 27,000 words in total. I would like to have five stories for this project, so I'll kick around some ideas and see what I can come up with. These will be a collection of sci-fi and fantasy stories totally unrelated to Silas & Bundersnoot although one technically takes place in the same universe but there will be no crossover.
Rate My Familiar
This week's familiar is a two-for-one deal that was generously provided to us by M. Apollo, a handsome orange cat, and Hercules an adorable gray cat.

After meeting with the cats Bundersnoot had this to say:
Apollo is an absolutely charming cat who immediately took me to the kitchen and showed me where the treats were kept. I found them a kindred spirit and greatly enjoyed my time with them. Hercules means well, but for reasons I do not understand enjoys attentions from their humans, including headbutting them and sitting in their laps. He apparently also works in a biscuit factory? I do not understand why a cat would sully their paws with work. In conclusion I rate Apollo a 10/10 and Hercules a 9/10.
If you would like Bundersnoot to rate your familiar send a picture and short description to familiars@thekalpar.com
That's all I've got for this week! Your friend in books and trains,