Kalliopean Musings
Identity and (Inner) Activity - Part Two
February 2, 2025
In the first part, I introduced the “I am” statement and discussed a possible interpretation that I called the Cartesian Strawpuppet. According to this...
Identity and (Inner) Activity
January 21, 2025
In this essay, I am going to draw on Iris Murdoch’s concept of inner activity to discuss its ramifications for a conception of personal identity. I will...
Making Sense of Embodiment Part Four - Closing Rermarks
November 12, 2023
If we understand gender identity as a way of relating to one's own embodied existence, which has always already been interpreted, then this has a number of...
Making Sense of Embodiment Part Three – Mind
October 30, 2023
As the discussion of biological sex in terms of an Homoeostatic Property Cluster should have made clear, biological sex is not an empirical concept. Rather,...
Making Sense of Embodiment Part Two - Matter and Body
October 15, 2023
What exactly is said when it is said that people can be biologically divided into male and female? Many statements in which this assertion is made can be...
Making Sense of Embodiment Part One – Introduction
October 7, 2023
My engagement with philosophy of gender and sex is embarrassingly superficial. I have not read any of the canonical texts on the matter, and I have only read...
My House, My Rules? The Limits of Subjectivity in Ethics
March 5, 2023
In this post, I want to discuss whether and to what extent moral judgments, rules, commitments, and the like can be said to be “subjective”. My claim is...
Organized Bodies? Sex and Vulgar Aristotelianism
May 1, 2022
In this post I want to explore whether an Aristotelian conception of life commits us to a biologist essentialism of sex. My claim is that self announced...
In the Light of the Good Iris Murdoch's reading of the Allegory of the Cave
March 28, 2022
If you attended a philosophy introduction class or had philosophy class in school, you probably were taught about Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Chances are...
Moral Error as Estrangement from the Good Part Two - Towards a Theory of Error
December 5, 2021
In the first part I briefly sketched my position as an epistemically optimistic direct realism. As such, it is characterized by three claims: 1) All of...
Moral Error as Estrangement from the Good Part One - Setting up the Problem
November 28, 2021
In the next two posts I want to consider the suitable account of error, given a certain kind of moral cognitivism. I am going to explore whether it makes...
The Demands of Virtue - Neither Hypothetical nor Categorical Part Two
November 14, 2021
In the first part I showed how the distinction between hypothetical and categorical imperatives is a distinction between kinds of reasons for action. A...
The Demands of Virtue - Neither Hypothetical nor Categorical Part One
November 7, 2021
In the next two posts I am going to argue that, given the framework of virtue ethics, the distinction between categorical and hypothetical imperatives loses...
Against Elite Suburbs Some Reflections on Metaphilosophy
September 19, 2021
Philosophy is about making distinctions. In the most general sense, it is about the distinction between things that are X and things that only seem to be X....
The Radicality of Care Part Two - Reclaiming Humanity
September 5, 2021
In the last part I drew on Graeber’s distinction between a human economy and an economy of debt to show how capitalism and consumerism systematically...
The Radicality of Care Part One - Capitalism and the Social Fabric
August 29, 2021
“In fact it could be said that the last thirty years have seen the construction of a vast bureaucratic apparatus for the creation and maintenance of...
Scientific Detachment and the Human Perspective How (not) to deal with climate anxiety
August 8, 2021
Content Notifications: Climate crisis, the prospect of human extinction “Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”—...
Timeliness and the Historicity of Commitment Part Two - Morality and Biography
August 1, 2021
In the last part I showed how Heidegger rejects the idea that time is a sequence of points along an axis. He argues that time, as we experience it, shapes...
Timeliness and the Historicity of Commitment Part One - Heidegger's Concept of Timeliness
July 25, 2021
One of my charges against a legalistic conception of morality was that explicitly undertaken commitments are usually embedded in a social context rather than...
The Shortcomings of Legalistic Moral Philosophy Part Five - Closing Remarks
July 11, 2021
bean 🌻 @christapetersoMetaethics would be better if instead of being haunted by fear of there being no cop of the universe we were more focused on how we get...
The Shortcomings of Legalistic Moral Philosophy Part Four - Promising and Commitment
July 4, 2021
In the third part I discussed gratitude and forgiveness as aspects of the moral practice that pose a challenge to legalistic accounts of morality. I tried to...
The Shortcomings of Legalistic Moral Philosophy Part Three - Beyond the Deontic Triad
June 27, 2021
In the second part of the series I drew a more sophisticated picture of legalism. I showed how the idea of a deontic triad that determines the moral status...
The Shortcomings of Legalistic Moral Philosophy Part Two - What is Legalism?
June 20, 2021
In the opening post to this series I have suggested that legalism is a picture that holds us captive, that is, a theoretical framework that appears to be the...
The Shortcomings of Legalistic Moral Philosophy Part One – Preliminaries
June 13, 2021
In the following series I want to explore the implications and limitations of a certain picture that I think is holding moral philosophy captive - the...
The Shortcomings of Legalistic Moral Philosophy Part One – Preliminaries
June 13, 2021
In the following series I want to explore the implications and limitations of a certain picture that I think is holding moral philosophy captive - the...