the new TV
January 13, 2024
Ten years ago, the employees of a TV station in Los Angeles took a group photo to celebrate their 1 millionth follower on Facebook. They were a very...
December 23, 2023
A few days ago, I showed our kids this graph: And this article, which traces the global decline in academic performance to the popularity of the smartphone....
We finally really did it!
April 12, 2023
We moved. You learn a lot from moving, especially the older you get. Our shells get bigger. We accumulate literal, material history. What can you toss,...
learning to deep fry
March 12, 2023
I started frying at around age 12, under my parents' supervision. It was almost certainly fried plantains, either the savory or the sweet kind. (Both perfect...
the town square
November 5, 2022
there's a square in town. he doesn't fit in very well into most groups. except with the gamers and the bankers. we should talk about them. but, first, let's...
Always Be Opening
May 2, 2022
I wrote the below last week and then did not send it. This has happened a lot lately. But I was motivated to send it just now because of the final sentence....
venn you have time
April 26, 2021
I may change my mind, but, over the last 10 years, or so, I've come to believe the most rewarding work is simply whatever allows me to have interesting...
solving the wrong problem really well (5m34s)
February 27, 2021
here's a frightening realization: it's possible to get really good at solving the wrong problem for example, i've spent a few hours over the last year...
positive vibes only: bring back the WWW and make it 10x BIGGER!
February 18, 2021
With the last four years, my first 48 years, and the last 12 months especially weighing heavily, I'm trying to reorient my thinking to positive vibes only....
5 things I learned by deep listening
December 19, 2020
A few days ago, I had to ponder: what sound to play when a recording stops? I couldn't quite figure it out so I left a note to the sound designer: what is...
chips & salsa
February 1, 2019
I've started and stopped three times. So let me skip the topic of Venezuela for now. Instead, let me write from my direct experience. That's almost certainly...
15 funnies
January 17, 2019
#1 I’m going to launch a premium content distribution business. I’ll only put out VHS tapes. They’ll be sold out of food trucks. Each tape will cost $5 and...
economic anxiety
January 4, 2019
After two years, we are finally discussing the Wall as a religious sculpture. Though some continue to claim it's a real wall, these gestures are like...
the manger, among the animals
December 23, 2018
Have you ever flown international through LAX, DFW or ORD? You know how they have super long hallways, with soft lighting on one side and rolls of razor...
tv on the internet
October 28, 2018
One of my few memories of Cuba is watching a clown on TV. Like everything else in Cuba, television was finite and scarce. It would run out and there was no...
Priceless takeaways from my off-site in LA
October 12, 2018
I've been at an off-site for three years. Every morning starts with coffee and toast in the conference room. Then the music starts playing and the Superego...
September 17, 2018
I have spent the last few years failing. Most days, I try to fail for at least an hour. As a result, I've gotten better at failing. I fail all the time now –...