healing is our greatest achievement
The most important things in life are boring. Or so they seem.
The clocks all around us tell us to focus on an ever narrowing timeframe. But this is a lie.
In fact, our bodies are better clocks. Our cells are time.
This is reality.
The fiction is the “nanosecond.”
(A fiction can be real just like words are real. And not.)
A boring thing that is the most important:
only a society that heals is a civilization.
What does it mean to evolve if not to suffer less?
Not by hardening (soft targets) but by healing.
Everywhere around us is trauma.
In all the chance occurrences that determine our lives, trauma is the trump card.
Trauma that colors our choices and those of the people around us. Actions shaped by our preternatural desire to avoid pain. Pains that we are not always aware of.
A lot of men find talk of trauma boring.
“This is boring,” is how we say “this is taking too long.
What is too long?
The pain we cannot bear to examine and thus keep around, always behind us, looking over every decision we make.
We are programmed to avoid pain. So trauma haunts us. Because it requires effort. It requires not enduring but rather preventing pain.
“This is so boring…”
To drill into something; to bore a hole.
A linguistic coincidence? What’s the word for boring in Spanish?
La palabra "aburrir" viene del latín abhorrere la cual también le dio luz a la palabra "aborrecer". Abhorrere está compuesta de ab (sin) horrere (ponerse los pelos en punta). "Horrere" es la génesis de palabras como: Horror y Horrible.
In Spanish, boring is a degree of horror.
Trauma is boring because it is contemplating horror.
What is boring is what is all around us. Commonplace. Familiar.
Look at our politics. Just for one second. Pretty horrible, no? Intergenerational trauma writ large.
What is to be done?
The father who gave his boy the gun that killed the kids and the teachers, the father who gave him that gun after being told by law enforcement that his boy had threatened to kill people, that father may now go to prison. To be caged, out of sight and mind.
What good will that do? Nothing.
It will create some profit for some punishers.
What his sentence should be is to visit every school and every family with a boy who wants to kill people.
His punishment should be to heal.
A society that hurts is a suicide cult.
A society that heals is a civilization.