He Who Controls YouTube Controls America
I was working Sunday night when I noticed, in passing, that Donald Trump has conquered YouTube.
Not because he’s forcing Sundar Pichai to promote his posts (not yet), but because Trump and his fellow travelers know how to use rage bait.

I was not logged into any account when I was given this very specific set of options. The algorithm has no idea who I am. It’s just serving me what’s most engaging to users in my general area.
And that consists almost entirely of fascist rage bait.
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I’ve said this a million times but I’m happy to say until I’m 6 feet under: the violence that was unleashed and then normalized during gamergate was a sign of what has come to pass.
You can’t run the field in America today without understanding – nay, MASTERING – its lessons.
Elites who don’t want the dictatorship that’s already here have to stop making Hollywood movies and Prestige Television and start making effective YouTube.
Director Frank Capra was making shorts during World War II to defeat the fascists. Our new regime will be spending your tax dollars to dissolve NATO. (It turns out the struggling democracy that most needed USAID was the USA.) So where will the anti-fascist films come from?
Aligning the Incentives
Not enough people have read Max Weber.
As a result, we’re almost always focused on individuals and communities, their feelings and sentiments, and we ignore the physics of our world: institutions.
Institutions (including industries, markets) can create perverse incentives.
Everything can be going “just swimmingly” and seemingly out of nowhere we’re in the midst of a catastrophe.
I contend that the alignment of the creative class with capital under the Hollywood model of the last 40 years has ceded the public sphere to fascists.
The good news: that model is now broken.
The bad news: the news has not yet reached the players.
The Democrats, and their elite supporters, appear to think winning YouTube is below them – despite the fact that they’re currently on the floor, getting their teeth kicked in.
The sooner the money pours into this platform, the quicker we avoid the full blown catastrophe already underway.
“But, we don’t do rage bait. We’re about hope and justice and big ideas.” BULLSHIT. You can’t get a tired, overwhelmed American to pay attention to your pitch long enough to make it make sense.
All the leftists myth making heroes were chasing Hollywood Paper. Now that Hollywood is dying, and America is on its deathbed, there’s no better time to FLOOD THE ZONE.