Funny story
In my defense, it was dark when I reached inside the plastic jar of melatonin gummies that my wife had bought at Target, and then recommended to me for months.
The gummy was normal: small and sugar coated, chewable. Sure, it tasted weird. But I was tired! I just wanted a long night’s sleep.
(You my dear reader have already guessed where this is going. But let’s delight in the journey for that is what makes life fun!)
Two hours after putting my head down and falling fast asleep, I got up to pee and, stumbling back to bed, I soon realized something was very wrong.

Shivering in bed I wondered ”What is wrong with me?”. I took my blood pressure and temperature. All normal!
But still I searched Google for possible maladies that can happen to people who are healthy and with normal vitals.
Watever it was, I knew for sure that I felt like I was going to be sick.
“I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me,” I thought.
Eventually I put myself in a hot shower, and, as I often do when I’m not working, I started posting on Mark Z’s ‘Gram – Now With 10x More Masculine Energy.
But still I felt just awful.
“I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me…”
And that’s when I realized that someone who shall remain nameless had secretly served me some Folger’s Crystals.

For last night, that plastic jar of melatonin gummies had a special surprise treat for me – my own lucky Golden Ticket, the veritable Jesus in the Christmas Rosca.
“Oooooooooh,” I said out loud in the hot shower, finally realizing I’d stepped on a slow motion banana peel two hours earlier. “No wonder it tasted weird!”
My rollercoaster ride had come to the sweetest possible ending.
Once I knew what it was, it was all warm fuzzies.
But for the hour I didn’t know what was happening, it was not fun. At all.
That’s why it’s important to know what’s happening and also to laugh.
A culture that can’t tell a joke or take a joke – literally, the jokes at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner society, we’re trapped in that man’s nightmare, lol – can’t grow or be dynamic.
Or be fair and good and happy.
Life is to be enjoyed, one funny story at a time.
Anyway, here’s a link to one of the best cinematic hero reveals ever:

Yes, America does need to invest massively in AI. I’m on the record as having advocated for that here.
No, the current clown car – led by men who only know retribution, against facts! – are not the people to produce the most effective and cost-efficient version of that moonshot. Short them.