Bad Christians
The police were right. We are spirits in a material world.
The materialism is what constrains us. Right now we have prominent figures who self-identify as degenerate gamblers.

Speculation – what if – is philosophy. But gambling without generating goods and services is a drain on our economy and those who profit primarily from grift and Ponzi schemes are going to tank the economy if given the chance.
They’ve done it before. Again and again.
(Only to be bailed out by the poor and middle class. By their more honest competitors.)
Salvation is nigh.
We alone will save ourselves, from the self-described degenerate gambler billionaires.
While the USA has a significant problem with dumb votes, it does not have a dumb voters problem. It has a lazy voters problem. It has a bored voters problem.
But it does not have a dumb voters problem.
When people realize they’re losing control and start losing hope, they can only vote to punish the goat so many times before they realize they’re not doing any better and they’re running out of goats.
They need a better story than “sacrifice them”.
They need a compelling “sacrifice yourself” story.
Personalities are political.
Politics will always be personality-driven. That’s the flip side of the personal is political.
We are still living in biblical times because we are still living in political times.
As I said on Instagram, many people would at least LIKE to be BELIEVE they are good Christians.
Therein lies an opportunity that the left, secular in its more elite ranks, seldom takes: these are not good Christians.
Trump supporters are bad Christians.
And because they are bad Christians, they are lazy.
I don’t mean lazy at work – that’s the least of our concerns. We should, in fact, be living in an AI-driven utopia right now.
I mean lazy in their hearts.
I mean lazy as in “I refuse to sacrifice myself,” so “fuck your feelings, let me kill a thousand ‘George Floyds’, let me kill another 25,000 children in Gaza, let me kill another 1 million Americans from Covid, let me kill another 10,000 immigrants” I can’t be bothered to care. That’s what I mean by lazy.
Yellow ribbon bumper sticker on a gas guzzling SUV during the Iraq war lazy. Not returning the shopping cart lazy, dumping trash in public places lazy, voting to burn it all down lazy.
What does sacrifice mean in American politics?
I am happy to discuss whether life begins at conception when we can also talk about all the other sins in the Bible and be open to the full Gospel, not some watered down, Redbull gives you wings version.
In the Bible that chronicles the life of Jesus, wings are earned by taking responsibility for your own actions and not by blaming others for your lot. By honoring your word and standing by your spouse. By giving up your earthly goods so that others might be fed and clothed. By… sacrificing yourself.
The American Christian™ belief that one person, one time sacrificed themselves so that the rest of us can live amorally is… not Christianity.
The way a religion goes morally wrong in practice is, instead of viewing its main character's moral standards as something to aspire to, they get reinterpreted to match the lower moral standards the believers find easier-and then their divine source becomes an authority reinforcing that lowness.
"What would Jesus do?" becomes "Jesus would do whatever I want to do," which then becomes "What I want to do is the right thing to do because it's what Jesus would do, and it's wrong to do otherwise."
God becomes not a source of morality, but an absolute authority the believer can appeal to in order to excuse and justify their own bad behavior, because "God's will" trumps any argument others might make that the behavior in question is, in fact, immoral.
The Bible isn’t a feel-good book.
The Bible wasn’t written to make people feel good about themselves.
It was written to save people from themselves. Anyone who misses that fine point, or who purposely obfuscates it like all of MAGA does, because they want to be lazy and skip the line, cheat others, to kill wantonly and get away with murder and rape, well, those people are doing the work of the figure the Bible was written to keep at bay.
It’s literally that simple. Even a barking carnival dog like James Carville could make a slogan out of fit.
It’s the morality, stupid.