Jen's Folk Music Newsletter Nov 2024
Back to the woodshed!
Friends! It’s been a while! I didn’t have much happening in October, and I’m guessing your inbox has been keeping your delete button busy lately (and that’s the last I’ll mention Nov 4).
Instead, I’ve been writing new songs and polishing some unfinished ones, getting ready for this new album I’m recording in January (I should be practicing right now, really).
I am thinking about selling a limited number of tickets to one or two of the recording days. Stay tuned for updates.
And that’s about it!
Stay sane, take care of yourselves this week and for the time to follow. I’ll be spending Tuesday night with some old friends playing complicated board games, and Wednesday with my amazing songwriting workshop fellows.
I’ll leave you with a little preview of a song which may or may not be on the album:
I miss the sound of the birds
Yes, it's another song about birds
In this September quiet,
I miss the July riot
I miss the sound of the birds
(but if you listen closely, they’re still there!)
Love, light, and music,