Jen's Folk Music Newsletter for May 2024
Hello again dear friends!
And happy May Day if I didn’t get the chance to say so in person!
It’s the start of garden season — I spent yesterday planting onions and pulling quack grass. One of my favorite quiet meditative pastimes. And often a fruitful time for songwriting. I look forward to sharing both harvests with you!
Side-note, I’d love to meet more people and sing these songs with them, so please forward this email to people whom you would love to sing with, too. [subscribe here](
New Concert Dates
This summer has been slow to fill… but here’s a couple of new things to put on your calendar:
Saturday July 20 Yard Concert 7:00 PM
4652 Vincent Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN — thank you for hosting, Keren! $5 suggested donation (no one turned away!)Monthly By-And-For Trans-and-Nonbinary Community Song Circle
If you’re trans, nonbinary, 2S, or otherwise gender non-conforming — or think you might be in the future, come sing with us! Reply to me directly for details.
Seeking Yard Concert Hosts!
I’d love to sing in your (greater Minneapolis or St Paul) yard in October!
The Rest of the Season So Far
So you can have all this in one place:
WisconSing 2024 (August 10-13 in Dodgeville, WI)
I’m very excited to have been invited as a songleader at WisconSing this year! Registration is now open, until all entries are filled.
Facebook Event, direct link:
Registration Form, direct link: Bad Posture Club and TBD (September 28 or TBD)
A night of folk music in my yard, featuring some folkies in my neighborhood, and Bad Posture Club as the headliners!Powderhorn Porch Fest (September 21)
Unconfirmed, but I’m hopeful that my application will be accepted for a return visit to Powderhorn Porch Fest 2024. Look for a follow-up in my next newsletter.
New Music!
I continue to write, though I struggle to record. Here’s a sample of a tune I’m working on (SoundCloud, where I mostly put works-in-progress or rough recordings).
As ever, there are plenty of old favorites up on my BandCamp page. (still haven’t had time to move to freecamp, but it’s in the works.)
On a personal note
As some of you already know, this has been a difficult year for me. I battled cancer for the first half of 2023, and then in October I was laid low again by a rare form of Encephalitis. I’m recovering, but still need to manage my energy. Hence, only one solo show a month, on average. When I told my OT how excited I was for the start of sailing season, her response was “you’re going to have someone with you, right?” So — drop me a line if you want to come sailing with me!
The End… and A Poem
Once again you’ve made it all the way to the end! Thanks for hanging in there with me. Here’s another little poem from my notebook (we’ll see how long I can keep this up!):
In This House
Sometimes I forget that I’ve lived in this house for over ten years.
And then I see the neighbors’ kids walk by while I heat my breakfast,
And wonder how it is they’ve grown so fast in so short a time.
And I think,
maybe I know,
just a little bit,
How a boulevard tree feels,
if it could (and it might).
With love, light and song
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