Zombie PI

Just one this week, but it’s a fun one. I’m currently reading some random comics from past years’ SPX.
Review: Death Warmed Over by Kevin J. Anderson
If you like your urban fantasy both horrific and lighthearted, you might like this series. The series is Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. and it reminds me a bit of the Dresden Files, but while that series is urban fantasy, this one is definitely horror.
Dan got killed during a case, came back as a zombie, and picked up his P.I. license again. He works with Robin, a human lawyer, and Sheyenne, his spectral girlfriend, to help unnaturals with their assorted legal and other problems…but it all ties together quite nicely in the end.
There’s a pretty high body count, somebody gets turned into a pig (not, alas, a cop), and a lot of truly terrible zombie jokes courtesy of the cop buddy.
It’s not great literature, but it’s highly enjoyable. It uses all of the tropes…vampires can’t see their reflection and react poorly to garlic, werewolves lose it (but apparently it’s fun) on the full moon. The setting is beautifully put together and, in true urban fantasy tradition, a character in its own right.
Lots of fun.
I received a copy of this book for review purposes.