WSFA Small Press Award

So, the award is announced on Saturday…and I’m a finalist!
If anyone is coming to Capclave, here are the logistics (bear in mind, I’m not assuming you’re a regular). And yes, this is early because I’m leaving pretty soon…as soon as my table partner gets here to pick me up.
First of all, I don’t have a signing. This is because I will be signing during most of dealer room hours at the Rantings of a Wandering Mind table. We will probably be in our usual location right by the second set of doors. I’m told Capclave has moved some rooms around this year, but they haven’t moved our dealer table in, well…ever. If not, it’s not a huge dealer room, we should be easy enough to find.
I will be in all dealer room hours except noon to one on Saturday and 11:30 to one on Sunday. I’ll be reading from my nominated story at 11:30 on Sunday. I may be ducking out slightly early on Saturday as I have one whole hour to get food, change, and move myself and some books to my mass signing table. Fortunately there’s good fast food…maybe I’ll get some delivered to my table. I’ll also be diving right to a panel at 6pm on Friday, so come a bit earlier in the day.
The ceremony starts at 7pm on Saturday and will also include a presentation for the guests of honor (Matt Dinniman and Sheree Renée Thomas). I’m on two panels with Thomas, and am really looking forward to meeting her and hopefully getting her to sign my F&SF contributors’ copy.
There will be an open bar and lots of authors signing and selling books and hopefully there will be cake. The cake was a lie a couple of years ago, so I don’t want to promise anything.
I don’t expect to win. I will be shocked if I win, but do have an acceptance speech in my pocket.
If you want a copy of Game On!, the anthology, I won’t have them. However, the publisher, Joshua B. Palmatier, is bringing copies and will have them available at the mass signing and at 5pm on Saturday. Please pick up this wonderful, award-nominated anthology of SF stories about games.
My panel schedule:
Friday 6pm - 1984. Is It Here?
Friday 8pm - Fix the Hugos
Friday 10pm - Hold My Beer (Trigger warning)
Saturday noon - The Future of Currency
Sunday 11:30am - Reading - Adams room
Sunday 12pm - Superhero Fiction
As you can see, my bar time is a bit limited…the 7pm hour on Friday will be devoted to finding food and my experience of the hotel bar is they’re kind of slow. But I’ll probably be in there at 9pm because that 10pm panel may benefit from some lubrication. (It’s the one I’m looking forward to the most because two of my friends and one of the guests of honor are on it and…oh dear, Thomas is going to see my true colors and I’ll be sending her more stories…
Well. I’ll be off soon into this miserable weather…glad I got my COVID shot because I’m certainly not going to be sitting outside the hotel this weekend!