Winter Quiet
Not much to report

Alas, it doesn’t look that snowy here (For the visually impaired, yeah, it’s a picture of snow and trees).
But it feels like the quiet part of winter. I do have my contributors’ copy of The Reinvented Detective. The cover art looks even better in person. You might even be able to find it in bookstores! Take a look. I found it on, of all places. Or order it from the publisher.
It’s in ebook too, of course.
99 Fleeting Fantasies will be available some time this month. You will also be able to get it during a Kickstarter campaign to support forthcoming anthologies…I don’t know when for sure, so watch this space.
Just sent Verr to my editor so that I’ll have the excerpt edited when Glyn is released in March. Working on another project I can’t talk about yet, but which is really cool. I also have the first draft of my non-fiction Herding Cats, Authors, and Scientists: A Guide to Moderation for Fan Conventions. I have a plan to get this book out some time this year, but can’t be sure when…in part because I was interrupted by the shiny new project I can’t talk about yet.
“Puzzle Pieces” should be out pretty soon as I signed the contract this week. It will be in Fantasy & Science Fiction and is probably one of my best short stories yet…it’s a borderline horror/dystopian SF story that’s also about autistic masking. Why, yes, the title is a snide comment aimed at Autism Speaks.
That’s about all I have for now, and it’s mostly “coming soon” or “already here,” alas.