What Have You Done, Wanda?

WandaVision 1.7 “Breaking the Fourth Wall”
Or rather, the wall around the Hex.
Hello, Photon. I’ve been waiting to meet you.
Hello, Agatha. I was wondering when you would show up. (this is where “Agatha All Along” comes in).
She even killed the dog just to prove how evil she is. Or is she?
Somebody that cartoonishly evil has to be in a lot of pain somewhere, just has to be.
Poor Vision. He knows who he is now, but he doesn’t know how to get through to Wanda. Just…are they really in love?
Yes, of course they are, but what will happen in the last two episodes. Does poor Vision have to die a third time as it’s clearly Wanda’s powers keeping him alive.
And what is Agatha really up to?
Superman & Lois 4.10 “It Went By So Fast”
Okay, so…
Krypto should have shown up far sooner. Just saying.
Luthor isn’t enjoying prison this time. They ended the plot halfway through the episode to do the extended epilogue television is so fond of these days.
I liked some bits of it. They made me feel sorry for Doomsday, which I didn’t think was possible.
I didn’t like the pseudo-Christian mystical claptrap. I’m not a huge fan of “…and then they went to heaven.” Although I did like that she was wearing the Fuck Cancer dress.
They also didn’t do a fantastic job of either aging up the twins or de aging Clark. They recast both twins. The one playing Jon looked like him. The one playing Jordan…didn’t.
Also, I’m going to bitch one last time about this show’s excessive fondness for bullet time.
(And they forgot that one of Jon’s kids needs to be named something starting with Cir…)
WandaVision 1.8 “Previously On”
Agatha is determined to find out how Wanda created Westview. And being a Wicked Witch
Turns out Wanda is the legendary Scarlet Witch. Witchcraft and mutant powers coming together is likely what’s going on here. (Comics Wanda is just a mutant with chaos powers, but this is actually kind of more interesting).
Poor Wanda is about to find out her kids aren’t actually real and that Vision can only survive while she sustains him.
Will we resolve this and get a Wiccan and Hulkling for future use? I sort of hope so, I like those characters, but…
WandaVision 1.9 “The Series Finale”
Agatha and Wanda witch fight. It’s pretty extended…and includes Agatha telling everyone in Westview what Wanda did to them. Ow.
Wanda wins, though, and leaves Agatha mind trapped as Agnes…won’t last.
But she also loses, because she has to let Vision and the fake kids go and then go off to learn how to control her magic so she doesn’t do it again.
Poor Wanda.
I feel a bit sorry for Agatha, too…but we know she’ll break out in the next series. Right?
The series definitely started weak and grew into itself, but that might just be me.
Unlike Wanda, I’m not a sitcom fan.