What a Week

Happy Independence Day, U.S. of A.
Happy Yeet the Tories Day, U.K.
Look, I don’t often talk about politics here, but that was quite an election. The Tory party is in utter disarray. So, to my surprise, are the Scottish Nationalists.
The primary gains are Labour, albeit not the Labour Party of my youth and barely deserving of the name. Sir Keir Starmer says it all. Tony Benn has to be turning in his grave.
But something that got buried that I’ll just leave here. The majority party in Northern Ireland is now…Sinn Fein.
Anyway, enough about politics and back to, you know, writing.
All of my books are 50% off on Smashwords until July 31! If you’ve been hesitating, great time to pick something up (Substack doesn’t like me linking, so if you can’t find me, ask on social media).
This is a site wide sale so look and see what else intrigues you while you’re there.
Some of my *paperback* books are currently unavailable on Barnes & Noble. This is due to a bug and they are restoring books slowly. Apparently, they decided to remove certain low sale books that they keep in stock and didn’t properly exclude PoD books from it. So, if you want to order books and aren’t local, you’ll need to go to Amazon for right now. Ebooks are not affected.
If you are local, please join me on July 14 at Settle Down Easy Brewing Company in Falls Church from 2 to 6 for beer, conversation, and to buy your signed copy. They have jalapeno beer! And…wait…what’s this? Do I see at the bottom of the beer list something for those of us who prefer a slightly different beverage. Okay, I know what I’m going to be drinking…they have perry! So hard to find in the U.S.
(And if they’re out of that, they also have cider and wines. Mmm…)