Welcome to 2025

Book four is out! Ebook and paperback, and I will hopefully have copies for Farpoint.
Book five is finished. I just handed the blurb over to my cover artist so the cover can be finished. I have a few things to do before I can release it, but it shouldn’t be ten months this time.
Next projects:
Get way ahead on short fiction calls so I’m not going “oh I have to get that done.”
The con moderation book. The first draft is actually done, I’ve just been distracted by personal craziness.
The Cruella DeVille cosplay I’ve had percolating. I need to find the right dress. I wish thrift stores weren’t such a trek for me.
? I’m up to FOUR projects I’m tossing up. Sigh. Too Many Ideas Syndrome.
Also, isn’t that some pretty sweet cover art, and the one for Council is awesome too! (Yes, I’ve seen it, but it’s not finished or paid for yet, so I can’t share. Yet).
No major personal updates right now.