The Woman in the Sun and the Man in the Moon

No updates this week, but my muse produced this and I’m just going to share it.
So, you know about the Man in the Moon, right? Well, there’s also a Woman in the Sun.
The Man in the Moon is her younger brother. They love each other very much, as siblings do.
But their jobs keep them apart. The Woman in the Sun has to tend the sun, so it doesn’t go out and plunge the Earth into darkness. It’s her job to make sure that plants have sunlight and animals have plants to eat and humans have warm summer days.
Meanwhile the Man in the Moon is holding up a mirror to reflect her light onto the Earth when she’s on the other side of it. It’s his job to light the night so we can find our way home. It’s his job to make the tides that bring fishermen home and give surfers their best days.
So, the Woman in the Sun doesn’t get to see the Man in the Moon very often, because she works during the day and he works at night.
But sometimes, sometimes the two meet up in the course of their duties. And when they do, oh, they have so much to catch up on. They give each other a big hug and they talk about all the things they’ve seen on the Earth.
Every time this happens, the Woman in the Sun forgets to tend the sun and it goes out. Then she notices the time, springs up to light it again, and the Man in the Moon goes back to his mirror.
We on Earth see the sun go out…and then come back on, and it can be scary. But it’s not.
It’s just the Woman in the Sun and the Man in the Moon having a hug and a chat.
If you have family who you don’t get to talk to very often, think about giving them a call or a visit…and talking so long you forget something important, because your family is important.
I hope you enjoyed that quick little tale about what causes eclipses. It’s inspire by viking mythology in which the moon is the sun’s brother!