Summer Approaches Its End

As the Hugos returned to their normal schedule, summer’s end also means Hugo results.
Here’s my thoughts on each winner:
Best Novel - Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
I liked this novel by some definitions of like. I thought the Leckie would beat it, but Tesh is more of a newcomer and a surprising number of people take that into account. It’s a deep and disturbing exploration of radicalism combined with a Hamilton-style space opera future. I hope to read a lot more by Tesh.
Best Novella - Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
This was one of the most fun riffs on Sleeping Beauty I’ve read, and I’ve read quite a few of them. Fun characters, a good story, although a little disturbing in places. It reads almost like YA, but I’d read it first before giving it to your kid.
Best Novelette - The Year Without Sunshine by Naomi Kritzer
Also won the Nebula, so I don’t have much more to say except read it. One of the finest pieces of solarpunk as well as a classic “problem story.”
Best Short Story - Better Living Through Algorithms by Naomi Kritzer
Looking forward to losing the Small Press Award to this story. Read it. It’s vintage Kritzer, all feel good borderline cyberpunk and human connections.
Best Series - Imperial Radch by Ann Leckie
Not a surprise. Translation State is amazing and the series as a whole has some awesome worldbuilding.
Best Graphic Story or Comic - Saga, Vol. 11 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Saga is back and winning again. I didn’t vote for it because at this point they might want to consider recusing the work.
Best Related Work - A City on Mars by Kelly Weinersmith and Zach Weinersmith
I understand why it was popular. I’ve already reviewed it. I didn’t like it.
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form - Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
I owe a ton of people thankfully metaphorical alcohol. I thought Barbie had it. I really thought Barbie had it.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves was my first choice because honestly this movie was written for me personally. It’s a truly fine piece of litRPG. I could list the dice rolls in some of the battles. Yeah, Chris just rolled a one…
But I didn’t expect it to win.
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form - The Last of Us: Long, Long Time
Haven’t seen it, can’t fairly comment.
Best Game or Interactive Work - Baldur’s Gate 3
This was my other stick-neck-out prediction so I’m at 50/50. I haven’t played it…my husband plans on getting it when it’s on sale next, but his computer can only just run it and mine can’t at all. Still, everything I’ve heard says it’s fantastic.
Best Editor Short Form - Neil Clarke
Love you, Neil, probably not voting for you again so you don’t turn into Ellen Datlow. (Whom I also love and would love to work with). Let’s spread this one around.
Best Editor Long Form - Ruoxi Chen
Solid. All the editors were good this year.
Best Professional Artist - Rovina Cai
Another really tough choice. They all deserved it.
Best Semiprozine - Strange Horizons
I want to see some new blood here, and not just because we always need more good short fiction markets. No offense to Strange Horizons, Uncanny, etc.
Best Fanzine - Nerds of a Feather, Flock Together
Another “usual suspect” here. No complaints, but same note as above.
Best Fancast - Octothorpe
I have baggage about this podcast and pretty much always put it at the bottom. It’s not their fault, it’s about the time they analyzed all the Discon drama which I was in no mood to revisit. I also prefer fancasts about books or shows.
Best Fan Writer - Paul Weimer
My third prediction was that people would feel sorry for Weimer and put him higher. Not that he didn’t deserve it, but I don’t know he was the best of the year.
Best Fan Artist - Layla Rose
Just glad it’s not the artist who included AI art in their packet.
Lodestar Award for Best YA Book - To Shape a Dragon’s Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
Also won the Andre Norton, so I’ve already talked a fair bit about it, but if you want a magic school, dragons, and indigenous representation, read it. If you aren’t sure you want those things, read it anyway. Even if you aren’t the target demographic. If you get it for your kids, borrow it back from them.
Astounding Award for Best New Writer - Xiran Jay Zhao
Not a surprise. I don’t know how much of it was people who felt sorry for them for what certain people did, but I honestly suspect they would have won last year if they hadn’t been censored.
Now, Zhao, where’s the next book?
So, that’s my quick run down. The Aurora Awards were also given out on Saturday. The anthology I was in lost to The Year’s Best Canadian Science Fiction edited by…one of the two editors, Stephen Kotowych. So that was my second preference for result there and I’m happy.
I’m also happy because I have cake, just saying. Chocolate layer, to be precise. And because I’m going to see Deadpool and Wolverine tomorrow. Yes, there will be a report, but I may do it as a standalone to queue while I’m on vacation in Michigan and Wisconsin in a couple of weeks. There will be pictures.