Summer Approaches

We tend to go from third winter to early summer here. The cherry trees are finally almost over and I can go outside without a mask on. Yay!
No updates. I can’t talk about my current project, but things are trucking on it. After that I think I’m going to put together the non fiction book I’ve been wanting to do for a bit.
The weather is pretty nice, though, right now, if a bit windy. The trees are in full leaf and the crows are having their annual family reunion outside.
This last is not a quiet affair! Sometimes I’ve gone out to yell at them to shut up, and that causes them to caw-yell at me instead of each other.
Yes, they do this every year. As far as I can tell it’s the same crows.
I think somebody is being tardy about providing grandeggs!
Finished my nebula votes. For the curious, my novel choice was Ann Leckie’s truly disturbing Translation State. I won’t say I loved that book because it’s not a book you love, it’s a book you experience.
Signing off for now. Hoping to have more actual news next week. Or maybe some cute animal pictures? I need to corner some cute animals…