Spring is Here
...which isn't all a good thing.

March hits. The cherry blossoms appear. Alas.
I know they’re pretty, but my immune system doesn’t like them. Time to wear the KN-95s outside for a bit.
Peak bloom is predicted as March 23 through March 26. And they can hit you from across the city.
In better news, I filled out my Balticon panel survey. Putting myself down for far too many panels. So it’s going to be a good con. If I get sick again, I will cry.
Books and Brews this month will be on March 10, 12 to 5pm, at Fair Winds Brewing Company, 700 Newington Road, Lorton, VA. There will be beer on tap. I’m hearing rumors of flavored barley wine. That I might be willing to go for if it’s still there.
There will be a food truck, but they have yet to tell us what. It’s pizza this Sunday, but their calendar only goes to the 7th right now. I’ll be checking again as that’s going to be my lunch.
I may or may not have copies of Glyn. They’re ordered, but there’s a non zero chance they’ll be sitting in the warehouse at the third party package service I’m forced to use having arrived there too late on Saturday to be delivered that day. (I hate that service. They’re normally very good and have only screwed up one delivery, but I have to pay a fee to get my packages late…anything from Amazon is always a day late. End of rant).
(Yes, I do realize that’s the same weekend as AwesomeCon. No, I’m not going. I’d like to, but I don’t have a table mate and missed the boat on applying for a pro badge because it’s so early this year).