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Review: The Working by BrightFlame
I’m going to be honest. Religious fiction seldom does it for me, regardless of the religion, and The Working is very definitely religious fiction, even if BrightFlame elides all the specific gods. It’s Wicca/New Age religious fiction (as well as, according to the author, lunarpunk).
It’s not preachy. It’s the kind of religious fiction that’s written more for adherents than potential converts, but I think my real problem with it is that magic kind of solves everything. If you read it for the relationships between the coven mates (some of whom are delightfully queer) it works. If you read it for the climate fiction plot…it ends up a little bit woowoo.
(Of course, if that’s what you’re reading for…) Also, I found the twinkling thing wearying.
But the characters are where this author shines. They are flawed, interesting, and have conflict with each other, themselves, and their partners…although getting back with your ex seldom works that well in real life. Just saying.
The inspiration for this book clearly came from the water protectors.
Again, there are levels at which this book works, and there are levels which made me go “That was too easy a solution.” The author did try to hold herself back from magic fixing everything, but she didn’t quite succeed. (Also, I wasn’t sure about the way she handled the ancestors).
If you are looking for something shamelessly wiccan, pick this up, it’s got its appeal. For me, it ended up a little bit trite.