Solve For (Future) Murder
The Reinvented Detective comes out December 12

Isn’t that some sweet cover art! And check out some of those names on the cover! The Reinvented Detective is an anthology of future detective stories edited by two excellent editors in Cat Rambo and the wonderful Jennifer Brozek.
If Jane Yolen, Harry Turtledove, Seanan McGuire, and Premee Mohamed in the same volume isn’t enough for you…the full ToC is right here.
My own story, “Great Detective in a Box” is a new partner story, an AI story, and a homage to the great Agatha Christie, who has had more influence on speculative fiction than most people realize.
This one is for science fiction fans and mystery fans and will be out just in time for the holidays.
You can preorder the paperback from Amazon now to make sure it arrives on time!
How Substack Works
So, a quick note for my newsletter subscribers on how this works.
Most of my posts will not be paywalled. I plan on paywalling one longer (1,000 to 1,500 words, depending on the topic) post a week that will go out on Tuesdays. For access to this post and the ability to start threads in the chat forum, as well as priority on suggesting things for the blog, it will cost you.
But if all you want is my reviews and announcements, then no charge. Other than the temptation of books.
If you do subscribe, then the cost is the recommended minimum of $5 a month or $50 a year. You’ll get all the posts, premium chat access, and the knowledge that you’re helping me spend more time writing fun stuff and less time having to write for paid clients.
Most of the money from your sub goes to me. It’s not as good a deal as Medium, but I was getting pennies of your sub. Substack takes a reasonable cut to keep the servers humming and Stripe takes a small cut for payment processing. The rest goes to me to pay for things like going to cons and getting the next book edited (and thus out faster!).
There’s no obligation here. I’m happy to have you all around and in the comments section regardless of whether you pay. I do reserve the right to lock down comments if people don’t behave, though ;).
(You will all behave, right).
If three or four emails a week from me is too much, you can also read this like a blog on the web when you feel like it. If you want to unsubscribe and do that, no hard feelings. If you never want to hear from me again then also no hard feelings. There’s a lot competing for our reading time these days.
Council of Worlds Progress Update
I’m finishing up final edits on book three, Glyn, right now. Book one is available, and I’ll include buy links at the end. Book two is currently still an assetless preorder. I plan on talking to my cover artist as soon as the Glyn edits are done. This is so I can include the first three chapters in the end of Tyranis. I have to do that first because my cover artist needs the page count for the wrap.
I have also written the first draft of Herding Cats, Authors and Scientists: A Guide to Panel Moderation at Fan Conventions. It’s on hold because I am working out the best route forward, due to the fact that I’ve never published non-fiction before and don’t know a lot of what I’m doing with it. I may find I need some help! But I promise that book will exist soon enough. It needs to exist, in my (not so humble) opinion.
If you haven’t picked up your copy of Kyx yet, get it from my direct store here. This will give you an epub and the knowledge that all the money went to me.
For Kindle types who don’t want to sideload, or if you want the paperback, Amazon link here.