Snow and Hot Chocolate

It’s been a hot chocolate kind of week here…the storm wasn’t that bad (Kansas City got nailed, though), but given the quality of snow clearing around here…
Guys, you need to treat after shoveling or the sidewalk will turn into ice.
Guys, you do need to shovel the crosswalk, including the gutter.
Minimum width is 32 inches. Period.
And don’t plow in crossing buttons.
All of that said, definitely a hot chocolate kind of week. And I dragged myself to the barn for my lesson…only to have my horse basically short circuit. He was spooking at every scraping sound, which isn’t normal, so I think he was just done with snow plow noises!
Can’t blame him, with horse hearing.
As for progress? Not much, because snow is distracting ;). Some client work and I do have a cover for book five that I’ll reveal relatively soon. I also need to order some copies of Verr for Farpoint.
I theoretically could get Council out by then, but I’m not sure I will with the other stuff I need to do. Including worldbuilding work for a new RPG campaign that should be quite interesting. Hopefully my players will appreciate it.