Sale to Third Flatiron!

Also, have a picture of me riding a giant horse.
I just signed a contract for the publication of “When to Nurture, When to Prune” in Third Flatiron’s next theme anthology, Offshoots. It’s a story about cultural diversity, its strengths…and when a culture might not actually be beneficial to the species as a whole.
This story punches Nazis, just saying.
Balticon is next weekend and I’m completely jazzed about it. Hoping to see a bunch of people there that I enjoy spending time with as well as getting some good work done.
I’ll also be selling books on Sunday at Port City again, if local folks want to pick up a signed paperback (and please buy beer too to support this wonderful venue).
Balticon folks can show up to my signing. I can also bring a book to my reading or a panel on request for people who are cross scheduled. (At this con, I’d do NOT sell out of my room because the hotel might get twitchy about it). Happy to sign anthologies and periodicals too.
I’ll be reading from Kyx on Sunday night, by the way, if anyone’s interested in hearing.
(For anyone who’s curious, the horse is between 5’8 and 5’9 at the point just below where my hands are. So he’s significantly taller than I am and very big for a riding horse. He’s an off the track Thoroughbred named Uno).