Running Traveller in 2023
How well does a game from 1977 work today?

Sometimes my gaming group takes forever to come up with something to play. First of all, we don’t generally do fantasy. Everyone is also in a D&D group. I’m the GM who will run science fiction, so I run science fiction. But that means while everyone likes some version of D&D…
We’d just come off a Stargate campaign that had not gone well. Let’s just say I don’t have a high opinion of the current Stargate RPG, which is shoehorning 5E into something 5E isn’t designed for and has a clunky social combat system none of us liked. I wasn’t enjoying running it at all, but was faking it for my players. How well, I can’t be sure.
I was braced for a multi-week argument about what to play next. Some of our ideas had been vetoed by various people. For example, I don’t do horror campaigns. I love a horror one shot, but I don’t do horror campaigns for much the same reason that I’ve never written a full-blown horror novel. I find it too hard to sustain. Another player is uncomfortable doing YA.