Rain, Rain, More Rain

Wish this was the water I was looking at. Instead, it’s on and off rain, some of it hard, from Debby. We’ve had some flooding in the subway and I just saw something vacate a neighbor’s balcony, although thankfully the wind isn’t that hard and we haven’t had to bring in our plants.
I’m hoping it will clear up enough to go to the grocery store before people start getting off of work.
As for news?
The Neurodiversiverse: Alien Encounters anthology is out! Head over to the neurodiversiverse website to buy it (Email links get stuff shunted into spam a lot, unfortunately).
If you preordered this on Amazon and didn’t receive it, there was a glitch which deleted some preorders, so you may have to order it again…you won’t have been charged.
If you want a reason to get it, I have three right here - Tobias S. Buckell, Cat Rambo, and Jody Lynn Nye! Oh, forgot Ada Hoffman. Sorry, Ada!
Yes, this is an absolutely fantastic anthology and it isn’t just limited to the “nice” neurodiversities of autism and ADHD either. It’s all optimistic, and contains short stories, poetry, art…
Pick it up for a summer read. You won’t regret it, especially if you care about neurodiversity and need a dose of hope to go along with Tim Walz’s hotdish.
(Anyone else want to try Tim Walz’s hotdish).
The Olympics are almost over. And it has actually stopped raining…but not for long enough for a safe store trip, alas.