Plans and Progress

This eagle has some plans for the future.
Mine are still pretty vague.
I’m currently working on a fun project I can’t actually talk about yet. It’ll take some form in the future, but I’m not entirely sure what form it’s going to land in and until I am, I don’t want to chat about it.
Verr is with the editor, meaning that by the end of the month or so I should have the edited excerpt and be able to get the cover art done for Glyn. Glyn is already available for pre order, but obviously you should start with Kyx.
Or Transpecial, if you prefer.
At a personal level, potentially planning a road trip this summer with some friends, but it’s still in the knocking around ideas stage. Oh, and I have too much mint. What should I do with it?
Seriously, what am I supposed to do with this much fresh mint?
Chocolate mint fudge has already happened and was delicious.
For 2024, I’m planning on getting out the rest of Council of Worlds and ideally also releasing Herding Cats (non-fiction).
After that, I am going to start the Mars trilogy in that world. I already did some mild prep for it.
Everything on the short fiction front is TBA.
I’m gonna go work on the secret-redacted project now.