Parity for Women – How Women Have Fought to Compete

I spent a brief period of time trying modern tournament fencing. I decided it wasn’t for me, but there was another girl there who was completely hooked. I am old…I believe her name was Colleen or Collette. (I liked this girl, why can’t I remember her name?)
In any case, she wanted to fight sabre. “Can I fight sabre?” “No. Girls don’t fight sabre. You’re not strong enough.”
She proceeded to practice every moment she can and prove them wrong. She was part of a generation of fencing girls who fought for the right to fight with all three weapons, at the highest level. The first British women’s sabre championship was held in 1989. (Did I mention I’m old?)
“You can’t do that, you’re a girl” is something young women have heard for a very long time.
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