Off in Ohio

Once again, I’m not actually here. I’ll most likely be in the Columbus convention center doing…well, I don’t know yet!
After that I’ll be at home for a while and able to actually post updates. I mean there’s only been three days of my actual time between this post and the last one. So it’s unsurprising that there’s nothing new on the horizon.
If you’re at Origins, I don’t have any author stuff planned, but you can find me on Friday night helping run the Smithee Awards. Other than that, it’s really too big a con for casual encounters.
I want profanity dice so bad, but typically you can’t find them at big cons. I haven’t seen them since the last time I decided not to get them.
(You must understand. My phone has autocorrected duck to…)
I did turn in the novella I’m working on. And already have some change requests I’ll be working on when I get back, because I’m working with a publisher for once. Very excited about this project if it works out…I don’t have a contract yet, so it’s not guaranteed until they approve the final draft.
But I’m pretty optimistic and if they don’t, I’ll find something else to do with it.