Moving Forward!
Horse for “tax,” as it were.
First of all, the final files for Glyn are now up on Amazon and Smashwords. Which means you can preorder without fear! (I mean, there may still be a typo on page X, but I did my best to get them all).
I’m working on getting copies by the March 10 Books & Brews, but I can’t make any promises on that front. But I can promise your ebook copies will “ship” on March 7 and paperback should be available at that point too.
I got my invite to be on programming at Balticon, so should see some of you there. Now to work out what good food is left in the Inner Harbor…everywhere I like has closed!
All of my books are enrolled in the Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale from March 3 through March 9. Mostly 50% off, so this is a great opportunity to grab something at even less risk than normal!
At a personal level, I’m starting to feel as if we’re moving into that “spring is coming but winter might just pounce” time of year. The last couple of years have really been tough for me and mine, so hopefully 2024 will come without any further disasters or crises.
I’m feeling pretty hopeful, though! Hence the cute horse…