Lifemate, Warlock, Really?

X-Men 5.1 “The Phalanx Covenant Part 1”
I’d forgotten what Phalanx (and Warlock) look like. Let’s not get assimilated here.
By the end of part one it’s looking very much like it’s too late. The bit of Phalanx here is calling the rest and we’re all going to be part of a hive mind.
Well, except for one thing.
Mutants are immune. Which makes no sense, but I’ll take it.
X-Men 5.2 “The Phalanx Covenant Part 2”
It’s the typical “alien invaders destroyed by virus” plot. This part does make sense. It’s exactly how you’d deal with something like Phalanx.
I wish Warlock would stop calling his girlfriend “Lifemate,” it’s creepy.
Sinister working with the X-Men was fun to see, but it’s the typical “villain helps with major threat” thing. He’s slinked off.
Where are Rogue and Gambit? And Jubilee? Were their voice actors on vacation?
X-Men 5.3 “Storm Front” Part 1
What’s my least favorite romance trope? I call it Stockholm Syndrome Romance where he (usually) kindaps her (usually) and then they fall hopelessly in love.
Disappointing to see it in a kids’ show, but it was the 1990s. Storm is abducted by an alien who needs her help to stabilize his world’s climate and weather and then decides to make her his queen.
Much to the (appropriate) disgust of the rest of the X-Men.
I’m wondering if the entire thing was a setup to catch a Storm?
X-Men 5.4 “Storm Front” Part 2
Surprise, surprise, the love interest is a fascist. Who keeps slaves. An African woman isn’t going to tolerate that.
They do at least explain that she wants the adoration from having been a goddess. And now I see how badly it ends, I’m fine with it.
Still hate that trope, though.
Wolverine sees the clearest of anyone. As usual. Or maybe smells…
X-Men 5.5 “The Fifth Horseman”
Remember that they killed Apocalypse? Of course they didn’t. He’s discorporated, but has a secret temple. Kudos to them for putting Maya in Inca territory, but knowing that it’s wrong…it’s intentional.
Cortez is trying to get Apocalypse a new body, ideally a powerful mutant child. When Beast and Jubilee wander into their territory, it’s the perfect opportunity.
Well, except that he’s recruited Caliban, who likes Jubilee and…
…oh and we get Beast “hulking out” which is fun. Lots of fun.
X-Men 5.6 “Jubilee’s Fairytale Theatre”
Last episode, poor Jubilee got kind of damsel’d. The writers decided to make it up for her. She’s tapped to lead a field trip of elementary school kids…because Xavier and the others have to talk to the President.
She’s not happy.
But when the cave she’s touring starts to collapse, she rises to the occasion, not just saving the kids but telling a story.
I think the animators just wanted to do a medieval story…
…and poor Logan. Jubilee turned him into a troll!