Let Susan Out? Some Time?
Also don't anger your muse and fences make bad neighbors

Just two episodes of SurrealEstate this week. I really do love this show.
SurrealEstate Season 2, Episode 5 “Art & Science”
Obviously the actor playing Susan Ireland needed some time off, because she’s still trapped in a house that is sending her resignation letter.
Luke doesn’t buy it.
As for this week’s property. An artist is making it big and moving to New York. Her house has other ideas. It turns out it’s actually her very angry muse. Wow. I mean, said muse has a reason to be angry and is, yes, a ghost tied to the house. But also her muse. I liked that touch.
Meanwhile, Auggie used to work for a defense contractor. The science part is that they need his help. His former coworker needs him to deal with an AI they built together.
Mommy is not good enough. The AI wants daddy. We’ve all had that toddler around, right. I thought the AI would be evil, but it turned out it just wanted to show daddy the cool bug…or rather philosophical insight…it brought back. Which was actually beautiful. On the other hand? That’s your ex, Auggie, you know what you never do with exes. Right?
I think storywise this was in part a counterpart to the Evil Smart Home holding poor Susan prisoner.
The actor playing Aurora, the artist, did insane/possessed scarily well. The entire plot was about how women get erased and sat on by men. About how mediocre white men will do many nasty things, including hiding all their wife’s paintings and not letting her work. (I actually briefly thought that the art was all hers with his name on it, but they did say he was terrible).
A good, if really creepy, episode.
SurrealEstate Season 2, Episode 6 “Set Your Flag On Fire”
At first it seems that Luke is dealing with a purely mundane problem…a feud between neighbors that might bring down the value of the house he’s trying to sell.
Of course, this is SurrealEstate, so we know it’s not that. It’s a curse…but for once it’s not on a house. In fact, it turns out to be a cursed fence. They rip out the fence, the neighbors become friends…and decide not to sell.
Also, the best guest star of the episode was the giant mastiff dog that was supposed to be a slathering monster but clearly just wanted to lick everyone to death. He chased two actors into the house then looked at the camera with this delightful “Did I do it right, look?” Dog, you do not do evil well.
Best line, about dying: “I don’t know, but I’m sure it affects your credit card.”
Susan is still trapped in the walls.
Meanwhile, Phil’s big sister, Abigail, shows up to get him to sign some land over to…the Church. It was his parents’ wishes, but they forgot to put it in their will and he doesn’t want to. Just some side drama. Oh, and they’re trying to adopt a baby.
Zooey has decided she doesn’t want to be a real estate agent. Luke calls Susan. He gets her abducted by aliens voice mail. Come on, Luke, clue in.