Is that a Wolf or a Dog I Hear?
SurrealEstate Season 2, Episodes 8 and 9, and Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder

I will say that the eighth episode of season two may be my favorite episode of SurrealEstate so far and I might even be thinking about it when nominations open. I might be thinking of Wild Blue Yonder too, I think it’s better than the first special despite the absence of Yasmin Finney.
SurrealEstate Season 2, Episode 8 “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”
Or rather woof woof woof!
Lomax discovers that her clients start acting strangely right after they move in. She becomes utterly convinced they’re werewolves.
Lomax has never met a wolf.
It’s very obvious that her clients are acting like dogs not wolves. Which leads to the theory that they are possessed by ghost dogs.
The house was built on top of a pet cemetary. Or perhaps “sematary.” And there are now angry dogs possessing her clients.
She writes a resignation letter, but apparently this is a stress reduction exercise…she writes a resignation letter periodically and then burns it as a form of venting.
Meanwhile, Zoe breaks into Susan’s house and gets attacked by the house, evil AI, whatever it is.
Susan’s in there. Time to get her out…right?
Let’s hope so, anyway. She really needs to be rescued.
And then there’s a C plot…Roman finally making up with his dead beat mother. Which may trigger the return of his mojo. Certainly there’s something going on there…
The actors playing the possessed family are really creepy. Especially when the mom talks to the puppies…I mean kids…in that furbaby voice *shudder*. Love it!
SurrealEstate Season 2, Episode 9 “Dearly Departed”
Nick has his mojo back! Mom recharged him. Or making up with her broke a mental block. I think we are supposed to think the former, but I like the latter.
It took more episodes than I thought to get it back…pretty lengthy as depowering plots go. But I’m glad it is back.
So, possibly, is Susan.
(Also, the house spirit is totally the ghost of the builder).
Meanwhile, the actual case is a young couple dealing with an angry ghost…the woman’s first husband who doesn’t approve of her second husband. Despite the fact that they’re basically the same person. (In my opinion, she has no taste).
Nick tries spectral couples counseling, but it doesn’t work. Eventually, though, he’s able to convince husband #1 to move on…and tell his wife to sell his pop culture stuff to a dealer for lots of money.
I still think she can do better than either of these guys, though. They’re both jealous and controlling, but she just doesn’t see it, poor girl.
Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder
Donna spills her coffee on the TARDIS console. They bop into Isaac Newton’s apple tree, and cause…a very very tiny paradox.
Just a little one, but it will certainly come back to haunt us.
Then, it’s to the edge of the universe…where we do the entire derelict ship space horror trope.
We do it very well mind, with a side of body horror. It’s basically a Things From The Void story, that gives both Tennant and Tate (the only actors in most of the episode) a lot to work with. I am reminded of the Capaldi episode where he did the entire thing on his own, which was obviously harder. With the two together, it showcased the remarkable chemistry between the two actors.
But that paradox is going to come back to haunt us…