I'm Not Here

This post is being queued because I’m attending my aunt’s wedding. In fact, this post will probably go out while we’re partying.
Philcon is next week! I will have copies of all of my books with me; you can get them at my signing or hit me up…just don’t annoy the hotel.
Very much looking forward to my panels, especially the one about Zardoz. That movie has an interesting place in my life.
I won’t be as jetlagged as I might have been as they changed my return flight back to the old time slot. The later one in the evening was kind of murdering my time sense, especially when they dimmed the lights to encourage sleep! Please stop. Please…
Our other plans for England include seeing Wicked, the play. Not the movie. We’ve been wanting to see it and have a good opportunity to enjoy it in the West End. I think that’s somehow appropriate.
And some of the Christmas lights will be turned on in London, especially in Hyde Park!
It’s going to be chilly, but fun, and hopefully I’ll track down some good Indian…
(Don’t worry. This time I have an entire day between coming back from the UK and going to Philcon…)