Happy Halloween

A day late, I know. How about “Happy Discount Candy Day?” For once, the supermarket here didn’t actually dumpster all of the candy on November 1, although they have people working all night to put out the Christmas stuff. Sigh. There’s an entire other holiday between now and Christmas in the U.S., people.
Not many trick or treaters. When you live in an apartment, the better the weather, the fewer little ghouls and goblins show up. So now I have way too much candy. That I have to try not to eat all of. Maybe I’ll take some to D&D to get rid of it.
Still working on getting book four and five out. Still shooting for the end of the year. Then it might be a gap as I haven’t started the next project yet. I do have a non fiction book drafted. I’ve been focused on my business plus a metric ton of short fiction calls.
Tossing up between several things for the next big project but I’m trying to get the business more stable first. AI has not been helpful to me at all.
Will be heading over to England in a couple of weeks, right before Philcon, to attend my aunt’s wedding.
Will be jetlagged for Philcon again, although hopefully not as badly as this time I was able to give myself a day between the two.
I’ll be home at least until Christmas after the 23rd, though, so if you need a copyeditor, please think of me. I don’t normally ask here, but I’m itching to get my hands on an interesting book to polish up right now.
Pictures from the last trip are still being sorted, sorry. I have to get a bunch of stuff done before I leave for Europe.