Fredericksburg Tomorrow!

The Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival is tomorrow in Riverfront Park, Fredericksburg, VA.
I’m at table D37 and will be there most of the time from 10am to 4pm. (I have to get food at some point). I’ll be in the larger of the two central blocks of tables.
There will be panels, which I’m not on. And a booth contest I can’t actually enter because I don’t have storage space for all that stuff ;). I mean, I have the mascot and the TARDIS Full of Candy
Food trucks will be present, but I don’t know exactly what the offerings will be yet.
Please come and check out all the authors…we have not just a ton of SF/F but romance, women’s literature, kid;s’ books, non-fiction…
Joab Stieglitz and I have separate tables this time. He’s in E57, which is close enough to be able to shout at each other but, alas, not next to each other. Please check out his books too.
The weather is forecast to be fantastic, warm enough that I’m rather hoping one of those food trucks will be an ice cream van…so please stay a while.
On Sunday, I’m flying out to St. Louis to visit my father-in-law and to do some hiking in southwest Illinois and southeast Missouri. There will, of course, be pictures. No Great Lakes, but likely a very big river!
This means posts will be queued until a week on Thursday, working on that now.
Dirty Magick Magazine is now available to subscribers on Patreon and right here on Substack. I believe issue two is available, containing a story that I’ve been wanting to place for a while.
When C.D. told me about the magazine I knew instantly I was going to send him “The Case of the Mushroom Dealer”…and while I didn’t say to him at the time, I knew he would buy it. And he did. This story might as well have been written for the magazine and I hope those who read it love it as much as I loved writing it.
That’s about it for now. See you all in a couple of weeks.