Fantasy in Flash

So, this was released on Wednesday! It contains my story “All Forests Are One Forest,” as well as 98 other flash pieces including works by Wole Talabi, Cat Rambo, Jonathan Maberry…
I’m really proud to be in this one. It’s currently available in ebook and paperback. The link is a universal buy link so you can navigate to your store of choice.
Go here to buy your copy today!
I would have more news, but I’m waiting until the ink dries on a contract…suffice to say it’s a very exciting project that should be released this fall.
Before anyone asks, I’ve said everything I’m going to say about the Hugos six times on social media. Except for this one thing: Everyone involved in the fiasco should be ashamed and stay away from the Hugos in the future.
No personal updates, my life has been kind of boring lately…which after the last few years I’ll honestly take. Maybe I can go a while without anything “interesting” happening!