
Doctor Who 1.8 “The Legend of Ruby Sunday”
…and I won’t see the second half right away. Dang it on the timing of cliffhangers!
I really thought Susan Triad was the Rani playing games with the Doctor, but instead it’s another of the Toymaker’s relatives…Sutekh. Or rather, the Silver Surfer to his Galactus.
They actually resurrected a villain I had forgotten about. From “Pyramids of Mars,” of course…although he’s been played with a lot in tie-ins.
He scared the Toymaker. And the Maestro.
Doctor Who is at its best when it leans into horror, and this episode may have the flaw of pulling in a few too many types of horror, but on the other hand?
This is a villain who wants to kill everyone with a motivation that, unlike MCU Thanos, makes sense.
Also, it appears that Christmas Eve may not be a fixed point but something else. I think it might have been a time eddy…the opposite, a place that is always in flux.
Mrs. Flood also knows what’s going on. I’m 90% certain she is a Time Lord, but still not sure which one. I know who I hope she is and if they’re bringing back other really obscure stuff, it just became possible.
There’s some seriously awesome SFX in this episode too.
Oh, and they brought back the actor to voice Sutekh who played him in “Pyramids of Mars.”
Fifteen is perhaps the angriest of the Doctors.
(Oh, and it’s hinted that Susan’s parent, whichever one the Doctor produced, hasn’t been conceived yet…do we have another romance in the Doctor’s future?)
Grumbling still…I have to get back from Origins before I can find out the payoff!