Buried In Non Fiction

I’m still plowing through the non-fiction parts of the Hugo packet, but am about to move on to the Lodestar.
Which means there will be reviews again. I have read some of these books, but have yet to get through Abeni’s Song or Promises Stronger Than Darkness. Or Unraveller.
In the meantime, my pick for Best Fanzine is Nerds of a Feather, although it was hard. (Idea 13 had a writeup on Pemmi-Con that, if true, means it was even worse than I heard). Leaning towards Sanford for Best Fan Writer, but I haven’t finished Weimer’s packet yet and he does have a bit of my sympathy after what happened with Chengdu.
I have to really knuckle down to get this stuff read. I blame Origins! (And also the Washington Metro for…reasons).
Haven’t done Fan Artist either, but that’s typically a fast assessment.
I suspect I’ll probably pick To Shape A Dragon’s Breath for the Lodestar anyway because nuclear fisson dragons. And we all know who’s going to win the Astounding.
But losing a good chunk of my reading time each week is just getting more and more annoying.
Ah well. It’s also in part my fault. Going to go get lunch now and try and get through a chunk of Örjan Westin’s packet.