All the Conventions

So, first off, please join me at the Ivy City Atlas Brewing Company (not Navy Yard) on Sunday from 2 to 6. Yes, two in two weeks…for reasons.
We’ll have books, conversation, beer and, for those who hate beer or can’t have gluten, hard seltzer.
It should be a great time and I’ll have copies of everything with me.
Second, third, fourth…
I’ve received my program invites for Capclave, Philcon, and Farpoint. Philcon is particularly amazing because of that year I got my invite two weeks out when I hadn’t booked a hotel. Organization! It’s always great to see it improve.
I’ll have books for sale at all three conventions as well as whatever programming has me do. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Rockville, Cherry Hill, and…likely Pikesville, although I do know they’re still looking for a slightly bigger hotel.
(That said, the best Jewish Deli this side of New York is in Pikesville, so I don’t think I’d complain if we’re back there. Loooooox).
I wish I’d got a picture of what I saw on the way to the riding barn on Wednesday. I thought it was a vole…
…but it had stripes and an itty bitty bushy tail. Adolescent chipmunk! Vanished into a burrow before I could get my phone out, alas.
Also saw a criminal today…a squirrel raiding somebody’s bird feeder.
Signing off, still hoping for more news soon.