HVAC Pulse - Issue #5
If You Read/Watch One Thing
Nick at Albert Air here in Orange County, CA has a quick, information dense overview of Carrier’s new 38MURA heat pump. He covers everything from dimensions, service clearances, and most importantly, eligible tax rebates.

New Carrier Slimline Variable Speed Condenser - 38MURAQ - YouTube
In this video Nick with Albert Air discuesses the new Carrier slimline variable speed condenser - 38MURAQ. He goes over the features, benefits and rebates a...
Quick Links
(Shameless plug) A quick video addressing the most frequently asked questions when using a Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) system.
California to Vote For Required Cooling for Residential Buildings - “By a large margin — 67% to 22% — voters supported the idea of the state establishing cooling standards for residential properties, similar to the heating standards currently in place. The standards would require air conditioners or other measures to keep indoor temperatures from rising to unsafe levels, a step that could be expensive for building owners, but potentially save many lives, according to health officials.”
Study Finds Heat Pumps Are Twice as Efficient as Fossil Fuel Systems in Cold Weather
“A study conducted by Oxford University and the Regulatory Assistance Project thinktank reveals that even at temperatures approaching -30C, heat pumps outperform oil and gas heating systems. The research, published in the specialist energy research journal Joule, draws on data from seven field studies across North America, Asia, and Europe. It concludes that heat pumps are between two and three times more efficient than traditional heating systems at temperatures below zero.”
Thanks for reading! Whenever you're ready, here are ways I can help you.
Online VRF Boot Camp - An online course designed to give you the fundamentals to understanding VRF and its applications from a sales perspective.
Lunch and Learns - If you're in California, I'd love to come out and speak on VRF, heat pumps, and electrification.
YouTube Channel - You can find all my video content at my YouTube channel.
Consultations - Are you looking to use heat pumps or VRF on your next project? Let's talk.
Buy me a coffee - Want to support what I do? Buy me a coffee