Car Science
Car Science: moths to neon
November 22, 2024
Hey, It’s been a really long time since I’ve felt like I’ve had anything to write. There’s a 6000 word email about picking nodules out of the Clarion...
Car Science: living and breathing
March 26, 2024
Hey, Let's skip the apology paragraph. Things have been bad. I increasingly suspect they're never going to be anything other than that again. IndyCat died...
Car Science: buckling under pressure
October 23, 2023
Hey, Sorry for not sending a Car Science for ages again. I had this like, vague idea I'd do some video stuff but honestly it's overambitious, this already...
Car Science: school of hard knocks
August 23, 2023
Hey, Here's a new thing to worry about on a Wednesday afternoon: we are probably all a lot more concussed than we think we are. Not in the sense of, say,...
Car Science: dogs die in hot cars
August 15, 2023
Hey, Sorry, I - look, there's no point me even apologising at this stage, is there. I'm just useless at sending this on time. Let's just bin off the concept...
Car Science: Blowing smoke
July 19, 2023
Hey, This is also not the email with a long bit apologising for not having sent an email for ages that's about metamaterials. That's just taking me ages to...
Car Science: r u havin a giggle m8
July 9, 2023
Hey, I have a grovelling edition apologising for why I haven't sent one for ages and going on a lot about being depressed to send at some point but firstly,...
Car Science: 6 minute charging
June 13, 2023
Hey, I just got back from Le Mans, which is why I didn't send Car Science last week (I sincerely intended to write it on my phone and send it because I'd...
Car Science: crash prone
June 2, 2023
Hey, Happy Friday, assuming I send this on Friday. If so, I'll have achieved an unprecedented goal of both sending this on the day it's supposed to go out...
Car Science: actually good
May 31, 2023
Hey, What are the similarities between a newsletter-writing journalist and a 1980s Lada? Well, we're both older than the fall of the Soviet Union and require...
Car Science: gulf edition
May 26, 2023
Hey, You know what's coming up this weekend? The Monaco Grand Prix. Everyone loves a fun livery for that, don't they. A nice Gulf version. We love a nice...
Car Science: Cara Delevingne's Face Mist
May 22, 2023
Hey, Sorry, I know it's Monday but let's be honest: there's every chance I'll forget to send either Wednesday or Friday's edition and also I was gripped by...
Car Science: all aboard
May 17, 2023
Hey, This is only going to be a quick one, which is the sort of stupid thing I say before writing several thousand words and also because I'm still writing...
Car Science: positive energy
May 5, 2023
Hey, Don't say 'it's past 5pm, you clearly forgot it was Friday again didn't you,' say 'why are you sending this on a bank holiday anyway?' Well there's some...
Car Science: ICE cream meltdown
May 3, 2023
Hey, Gosh it's been such a long five days since the last edition, I am keeping up with scheduling just fine. This week's news-ier edition is about emissions...
Car Science: AI road rage
May 2, 2023
Hey, Well, we've made it to another Friday. At what cost. editor's note: apparently at the cost of me realising what day it was and sending out Car Science,...
Car Science: midtown madness
April 26, 2023
Hey, It's this week's news edition which means we get to talk about how everything is unmitigatedly terrible for a few thousand words. This week's edition...
Car Science: spelunking for promethium
April 21, 2023
Hey, I think I said this was going to be about electrolyte but then Cell Reports did a special on metal-organic frameworks and I went down a hole. There's...
Car Science: the sausage machine
April 19, 2023
Hey, Working 9-5: it's a surprisingly aspirational way to be making a living, in retrospect, now that we live in horrendous sprint-grind-crunch culture. Gone...
Car science: word on the streets
April 15, 2023
Hey, Whoops, turns out I can't use the scheduler on Buttondown, so this did not go out! And neither did the Wednesday email! Or the following Friday! So much...
Car Science: pretending to make changes
April 5, 2023
Hey, Firstly: sorry that it's been a really, really long time since I last sent one of these out. I've been trying to take the time to have a serious think...
Car Science 11: cars are making us stupid
February 4, 2023
Hey, This was meant to go out several days ago but then I got mugged so err, sorry about that. Idk why I didn't send it given it was already written, it's...
Car Science #10: devil's advocate lettuce
January 26, 2023
Hey, So, as you might have noticed from the last couple of editions, rather than try and summarise tons of complicated stuff in one go, a lot of which...
Car Science #9: stupidly intelligent
January 19, 2023
Hey, One thing I've largely steered clear of in Car Science, which is occupied with things that have factually been discovered, is autonomous vehicles....
Car Science #8: explosions on the M25
January 2, 2023
Hey, You know what, I forgot to send this for ages again and I wrote most of this a few weeks ago and then I got depressed so just. I don't know. Here it is....
Car Science #7: is anything a good idea?
December 1, 2022
Hey, I've been forgetting to send this again. But, well, when you've forgotten to send something for ages the only thing to do is eventually send it again...
Car Science #6: tentacles and rubber
October 24, 2022
Hey, "I subscribe to this newsletter legitimately," you protest. "It's about cars, not being a total wrong'un." And it is. As always, since I send this on...
Car Science #5: A Whiter Shade Of Pale
October 10, 2022
Hey, It has certainly been another week of time hasn't it. Or well, less like a week. One of my favourite films (ok, one of the only 6 films I've seen and...
Car Science #4: Disco Magnesium
October 3, 2022
Hey, Woo, yeah, doing this actually weekly!!! This will certainly last. Hello from the past, when I wrote this to make sure that it would actually go out...
Car Science #3: poetic (climate) justice
September 26, 2022
Hey, Ok so: my bad. I completely dropped the ball on this being weekly and when I remembered it was much too late: it was bound to happen sooner or later, so...
Car Science #2: Garbage juice
August 29, 2022
Hey, Time for another full edition of Car Science, the newsletter about research I can somehow connect to cars. I'm kind of amazed so many people have...
Car Science #1.5: Sustainable fuels
August 25, 2022
Hey, It’s a bonus edition of Car Science (I know! Already! Sorry) and not to come over all driver-on-a-podium but I am super grateful that so many people...
Car Science #1: toilet humour
August 22, 2022
Hey, Thanks for reading or subscribing to this, the only summary newsletter about the research-edge of car technologies written by a woman with purple hair...