Three Things I've done instead of this newsletter
Three Things I've done instead of this newsletter
I have been absent for far too long. I think the last project I did (Dear Ai), really took it out of me. I don't think I have fully processed my feelings about it yet and hence I've been putting off talking or writing about it. This newsletter has become collateral damage as a result. However, I have still been doing stuff in the meantime, and so I thought I would share three of those things, well I continue collecting my thoughts.
I didn't ask for this
'I didn't ask for this' may be one of my most Marmite projects as it revolves around non-destructive vandalistic protest and e-scouter/bike ride-sharing.
Long story short, I HATE dockless ride-sharing. On a practical level, they get in my way the whole time, both when parked and more dangerously when ridden. On an environmental level, some reporting claims that E-Scouters especially are a net negative for the environment due to their production cost, short lifespan and upkeep. On a political level, I find it absurd a company can just airdrop a whole load of multicoloured shit into a city without asking anyone.
Obviously, I don't like them. So I made some suspiciously sized QR code stickers, with fun little taglines on that you can stick whether you please. The QR Codes send people to a random website that is either persuasive, useful or just trolling when scanned. They are my small act of rebellion and anyone is free to join in.
'Megalomanics' is basically Top Trumps but instead of being about dinosaurs or Footballers, it's about the most powerful people in the world. So actually it does include a few dinosaurs and a footballer. The idea behind the game is to shine a light on lesser and well-known megalomaniacs and start discussions about the power these people have in our world.
If I'm going to be honest this one isn't really mine, I just built the website and gave some feedback, and If I'm going to be even more honest I'm not sure if I fully agree with it on a deeper level. It seems to imply that billionaires can be ethical and that there is no problem with incredible wealth and power, as long as it is used well. I would argue that there is no way to become a billionaire ethically, and philanthropy can be as great for the world, as it is for your tax return and public image.
That being said, maybe this card game is a great spark for having those kinds of conversations...
AIxDesign Library
A lil website inspired by a great thread on AIxDESIGN Slack, where members of the community were sharing books they enjoyed on topics such as technology, AI, society, and design. I didn’t want that great resource to get lost to the abyss of Slacks’ free plan (all messages get deleted after 90 days), so I made a library website for the community where anyone can recommend books on the subject.
I recommend starting with 'You Look Like a Thing and I Love You' if you want to learn how AI works in a fun way or 'Blockchain Chicken Farm' if you want to see a completely different side of technology in Rural China.
(For Techy people: Did you know that there is basically no good free API for Books? Goodreads shut theirs down and Google's is full of formatting issues. How is this not a solved problem?)
OK, that's all for me this week, sorry if this is full of grammar and spelling errors, I am a bit out of practice. Hopefully, I will be back in Jan to share my favourite things of 2023.
Thanks and have a great end of the year