Waiting: Summer hustle

All right, luvvies? Matt here with the Waiting edition of Ready & Waiting, a fortnightly newsletter from Foggy Outline.
The Waiting edition is all about stuff that’s not quite ready to release to the world yet. But you get to know about it now because you’re our favourite.

Skipton Business Expo – Learning Zone
4 September, 10:00BST, Skipton Town Hall
We’ve very nearly nailed down the programme for the Learning Zone, which we’re sponsoring. If you can make it, you can expect to see 15-minute talks by:
Craven Consultancy Services’ Dee Newton on workplace wellbeing
Saltaire Training’s Mandy Watkins on mental health first aid
Eccles Greenwood’s Michelle Harrison on planning for retirement
The Principle Trust’s Kerry Magson on the mutual benefits of companies supporting charities
Our own Richard Boothman on 7 reasons why you should think about the environment when making business decisions
Even more speakers we can’t announce just yet!
Stay subscribed for the full line-up, including timings, as soon as we know it. And get your Skipton Business Expo tickets if you haven’t already!

Environmental literacy
Why isn’t solar energy powering everything?
The first technology-specific follow-up to Renewable Energy – What is it and do we need it? is coming very soon! We’re just finding or designing the final couple of images, then the course will be ready to upload. It should be live on Udemy in the next couple of weeks (hopefully just in time for the next Ready edition).
What is wind energy and how do we use it?
And the second follow-up is in production too. Earlier days for this one – it’s about two thirds scripted. We reckon we’ll have it filmed by the end of August, and it’ll be up on Udemy ready for learners by the end of September.
Stay subscribed for updates and offers on the new courses. And in case you haven’t signed up already – here, take Renewable Energy – What is it and do we need it? for free, on us. Use code RENEWABLE24-01 at sign-up – and please leave us a nice 5* rating and review if you do!
I Need A Miracle
An audio drama where each episode is a prayer, some prayers are granted, and a granted prayer can upend the world.

We have cover art! And you’re the first besides the production team to ever see it! It’s by Dionysis Livanis, and as I said in my email back after he sent it to me, “It hits all the right points, while being nothing like anything I was imagining or anticipating – which is fantastic!”
I’ve heard and fed back on rough mixes of all 12 episodes now, and fine mixes of most of them. As I write this, 8 of the 12 episodes are completely finished.
Enough of the audio is near enough finished that I’ve been able to cut a trailer, which you can expect to start hearing everywhere fairly soon.
I’m eyeing a release date around the end of August for episode 1. I just need to work backwards and make sure I can fit in all the launch marketing stuff I have planned between now and then.

☑️ The Deposition (Hug House) – on March 27th, 2024, Elon Musk was deposed in a defamation lawsuit. This podcast uses the transcript of the deposition in full as its script. Part reenactment, part reaction, the direction given to the actors is simple: play your parts as seriously as you can until you absolutely cannot. Catch it now before anyone sues it off the air.
🗺 The Power of Geography: Ten Maps that Reveal the Future of the World (Tim Marshall) – Dad’s just started this; Tim Marshall’s previous book was a really good look at how geography influences political policy. Like Russia annexing satellite states as lines of defence against the scarily wide open plain on its doorstep. Or Australia cosying up to the US because, while it’s remote, its closest neighbour – China – is looking like getting geopolitically itchy grabby fingers.
🪐 The Strange Case of Starship Iris (Procyon) – a mysterious explosion kills nearly the entire crew of the science vessel Iris. The only survivor is Violet Liu, an intrepid, sarcastic, terrified biologist. But as Violet struggles to readjust to life after the Iris, questions abound. Was that explosion really an accident?

See you in two weeks for the Ready edition: a round-up of Foggy Outline things you can enjoy straight away, no waiting.