Waiting: All entertainment all the time

All right, luvvies? Matt here with the Waiting edition of Ready & Waiting, a fortnightly newsletter from Foggy Outline.
The Waiting edition is all about stuff that’s not quite ready to release to the world yet. The environmental literacy side of the business has been getting back to nature lately (translation: Mum and Dad went for a summer holiday), so it’s all entertainment behind the scenes this time.

Skipton Business Expo
4 September, 10:00BST, Skipton Town Hall
We’re sponsoring the Expo’s Learning Zone, a seminar stage for sharing wisdom and advice, and Dad will be doing a session on 6 reasons why you should think about the environment when making business decisions. Tickets to Skipton Business Expo
Udemy Instructor Partner Summit
8 October, 19:00WEST, Hotel Cascais Miragem Health & Spa
Mum and Dad are both attending. If you’re a Udemy Instructor Partner or you know someone who’s going that we should talk to, reply to this email and let’s organise something.
Interactive Soup
Just a quickie note that after running like clockwork once a quarter for a couple of years, Interactive Soup is taking a bit of time off to give the volunteer team a break. It’ll be back in December (the perfect season for sharing warming soup and giving to the community).

I Need A Miracle
An audio drama where each episode is a prayer, some prayers are granted, and a granted prayer can upend the world.
Producer Sarah at Wireless has been sending me rough mixes to feed back on, and the combination of the cast’s beautiful readings with the music and sound design is magical.
Composer Katherine Seaton went the extra mile and got a real violinist to play on the theme tune, instead of using a synth instrument – I’ve heard the result and the human sensitivity on the instrument gets across the subtleties of the mood better than an electronic version ever could.
I’ve been sharing crew and cast spotlights, with episode title reveals and little tiny script excerpts, over on the show’s tumblr, @inyourbenevolence.
I shared a couple of articles about making the show on my Linkedin.
I’m talking to various potential partners about ways for you, the listeners, to pay a bit of money to support the show in return for early access and ad-free episodes.
I have a press pack and a bunch of draft emails ready to unleash as soon as I have the last couple of pieces of the puzzle: a release date and the cover art.
Merely Roleplayers
I had to call a summer break after Vigil: Dream Big, because work on I Need A Miracle has meant my work on the next couple of Merely Roleplayers productions has been slower than usual. But good news! I’m catching up with myself and it’s looking like the break will only need to be a couple of weeks.
Labyrinth Untold

So the next production, starting in the Studio in a couple of weeks, will be Labyrinth Untold, with Natalie Winter in the compère’s seat as the Goblin Queen, guiding us through Jim Henson’s Labyrinth, the Adventure Game.
Ellie Pitkin as Sir Barold von Branwick, a Knight of Yore
Helen Stratton as Linda, a Horned Beast
Strat as Winkle, a Worm and Knight-Aspirant
Matt Boothman as Gundle, a sort of messed-up looking bird muppet
Music by Alexander Pankhurst
Coming next
In the Main House: Vigil: Tailor Made, with Chris Buxey as Calistarius Softbinding, the Expert; Josh Yard as Jinny Greenteeth, the Spellslinger; Chris MacLennan as Ed Kincaid, the Professional; and Ellie Pitkin as brand new character Peggy Tailor, the Crooked
In the Studio: an as-yet-untitled production using For the Queen, second edition, by Alex Roberts, starring me, Alexander Pankhurst, Ellie Pitkin, Josh Yard, and Marta da Silva as members of the Queen’s entourage, chosen to accompany her on a perilous journey for one reason: she knows we’re all in love with her
At some point later this year we’ll also be guests on What Am I Rolling? with friend of the show Fiona Howat!

🗳 CRIT Awards 2024 – Chris Buxey (Calistarius in Merely Roleplayers: Vigil) is up for Best Mini Painter, and friend of the show Fiona Howat is up for Best Podcast Host. Voting closes in a week, on 7 July. Vote in the CRIT Awards
🦀 The Silt Verses – this incredible audio drama about a world of hungry gods is nearly at its end. Binge with caution, especially if you’re not a fan of crustaceans or gory sounds. Listen out for a powerhouse performance by Marta da Silva (Harper in Merely Roleplayers: Vigil) as VAL in the final season.
See you in two weeks for the Ready edition: a round-up of Foggy Outline things you can enjoy straight away, no waiting.