The Fun of Fear
This is Finish Your Monsters, a weekly blogletter about the creative process. I'm sharing adventures in art and life as well as setting CLIFFHANGER goals for myself, so--
Last week, I committed to using the awesome power granted me by our democracy to cast my ballot!
And I’m poised to complete that task! Last night, I went through the ballot, researched all the local elections and measures, and wrote up a note sheet for myself of exactly how I wanted to fill out the entire ballot.
By the time I finished that, I was tired and distracted by tuning into what turned out to be the final game in the World Series. (If you want to read about a transformative experience at Dodgers Stadium, here’s that adventure!)
My local polling place is open starting Saturday so I decided to wait, fill out the ballot in the calm morning light, and walk it down to the polling station on Saturday. I’m now a mere 48 hours away from my “I Voted” sticker selfie.

I love spooky season and this week I find my heart divided.
I haven’t been able to celebrate Halloween as much as I’d like.
But that’s because I’m too busy doing pre-production on a horror movie I get to film in about two and a half weeks!
So I won’t complain. (I try to never say “I can’t complain” because let’s be honest, I can always complain.)
Sara and I did manage to get out to two great screenings this past weekend. We saw the 1931 Spanish Dracula with a new score performed by a live orchestra at the very gothic Theater at Ace Hotel. Here’s a picture of Sara with BLOOD RED chairs after the very full audience had mostly filed out.

Then on Saturday night, we went to the Academy Museum to see a screening of Creature From The Black Lagoon in 3D!
It was great to have Gill-Man reach out and feel like he was going to BOOP THE NOSES OF THE ENTIRE AUDIENCE with his deadly yet curious claws!
The Creature is one of my favorite horror movies so it was really great to experience the pulp and the pathos with a big audience.
Also, the entire Academy Museum Theater is blazing red so here’s a photo of Sara with her 3D glasses on the sweeping red staircase.

I was also delighted to release the 22 minute horror film we made last year, The Nightmare Adorable on YouTube.
Other than promoting The Nightmare Adorable, voting, watching horror movies in red theaters, and recording a couple of ForceCenter podcasts, all of my energy is being put into our horror film, DEAD MEDIA.
This week, I’ve worked on shot lists, wardrobe, had a sword and a whiteboard and a bass guitar delivered all on the same day. Had great meetings with production staff, DP, cast members, monster make-up artists, and more.
Last October, one of the ways I celebrated Halloween was attempting to write the first draft of DEAD MEDIA in about 4 days while Sara was out of town.
I really concentrated on the ethos of Finish Your Monsters. Specifically, that it’s okay if the first draft is wonky, incomplete, strange, monstrous. The important thing is to not let fear of imperfection hold you back. To complete a draft so you can take a step back and see what you’ve got.
Because I managed to complete that first draft last year, I’m here now on the very terrifying, very rewarding precipice of actually filming that script. Or rather, draft 17 of that script.
Completing that script encouraged me to start this blog and commit to getting the movie filmed this year.
I’m so grateful to everyone who has encouraged, helped, invested, donated, shared their talents and wisdom, etc and I can’t wait to be on set.
Another ethos I’m working on as BE HONEST ABOUT TIME, YOU MONSTER. Throughout my entire career, I’ve always treated my creative tasks like an eight course meal. Yes, I’ve got a main course, but I can shove twenty side-dishes, desserts, and drinks in there, too, right?
No, self, no. Not this time.
So I’m going to pause the blog during these last few weeks of pre-production and during the filming.
I will be back to weekly blog posts in early to mid-December!
In the meantime, wish me luck in finishing a truly massive monster! And best of luck with all of yours!

The filming is coming up fast but we still need LOTS of help to finish the monster-movie called DEAD MEDIA.
We’ve got a fiscal sponsorship with the great Minnesota organization Film North. They can accept one-time donations that will go directly toward funding the film! It’s like a Kickstarter where the rewards are A) a tax deduction and B) helping us make the film.
For full info, please check out the page for the upcoming horror film, DEAD MEDIA!
Or if you have any questions about supporting the film, feel free to reach out to me personally!

I’m going to adjust this to a goal for the next six weeks. My one and only creative goal is to shoot a feature film, that seems like plenty. But these goals are always a good chance to reflect on what I can control and what I can’t. There will be many challenges and problems that crop up with the film. But I can choose how I respond to them. The horror is supposed to be in the film, not the making of it. And as I’ve worked on the pre-production, I’ve constantly been reminded that the best antidote to fear is fun. So my goal for the next six weeks is to try to stave off fear, by leaning into the fun and joy of making art! Wish me luck!
I would absolutely LOVE to hear what you're working on this week in the comments below. What's your goal? Does it involve swords? How can I help you literally finish your monsters?

This week’s sketch is a very fast, very rough depiction of a vampire casting a ballot. Even monsters need to do their part! Thanks again for all the support, for reading this blog, and encouraging me to keep going. I hope everyone has a great Halloween, holds on to some joy in a difficult time, and finishes their monsters. Thanks again!

I have an EPUB file! It doesn't have a cover and the dialogue goes bold in one chapter when I read it on my phone, but it's a functional ebook. I have one volunteer to beta read and one guy I asked who said yes. I want to see if I can fix the bolding problem before I send it out. (It looks like I'll have to parse out the HTML that the book is made out of. Luckily, I coded my own websites in the 90s, so I have a rudimentary grasp of how the stuff works.)
I'm in a bit of "now what?" now that the ebook exists. I think I'm going to take a break from that book and work on THE SEQUEL. I realized that I have a narratively complete text and I don't have to wait until the whole thing's been critiqued before I convert it to Scrivener. So that'll be the next step.
Congrats! That's amazing progress!