Lines Through My Head
This is the second edition of Finish Your Monsters, a weekly newsletter about the creative process. Each issue, I'm sharing adventures in art and life as well as setting CLIFFHANGER goals for myself, so--
Last week, I committed to knocking out a first draft of a short film with a target length of 8 pages. And...(please insert drum rolls as desired)...I made it. Mostly. I failed at the goal of keeping it to 8 pages. The script is dangling and flopping all over page 9, but as per the mission statement of this newsletter, I finished my monster. And it was not easy! I absolutely would not have finished it if I hadn't declared with my whole tiny chest that I was going to do it in last week's newsletter. So thank you!

My desire for this newsletter is to inspire people to tackle their projects while still being honest about how difficult it can be.
This week, the short film script was my priority. But lots of other surprises rudely shouldered it out of the way. Mostly external distractions that can't be helped, but I really let them crawl inside my skull and pull my brain around, taffy-like, in multiple directions at once. The title (and sketch) for this week's newsletter were inspired by this sensation: Lines through my head.
Here's what happened: I had Tuesday set aside to write. But then I had a surprise podcast to record and a surprise phone call about a movie project. Both good and welcome things. But afterwards, I couldn't focus. And by 6 pm, I caught myself doing some negative self-talk. Technically, a negative self-song. The lyrics were, "I'm a garbage person, making garbage choices." The tune was catchy so I repeated the chorus several times.
I share this in the spirit of honesty (and poking fun at my brutally direct lyrics.) I'm not condoning or encouraging negative self-talk, songs, or entire operas. But for me the negative feelings are a reality so the challenge becomes--how do I get past them?
This week, I focused on the STEPS in my writing process. Currently, I have three steps:
-WANDER WORK. This is brainstorming of characters, images, jokes, plots, themes, etc that my mind can work at while my body is busy doing stuff like taking a walk, showering, doing dishes, sitting in a bar with a cocktail, etc.
-KEY SMACKING. Literally sitting down and typing. Transporting the ideas floating in my head or on scraps of paper into an actual script I can show another human being. Often, the ideas change and really take shape during this part of the process. I find out what works and what doesn't.
-DAWN OF THE DRAFTS. After that first draft is done then I start finessing, polishing, etc. Once a draft is done, I can see the project from way above--beginning, middle, and end. And I can zoom in to one specific line or beat that's bothering me. I can choose where to focus. And after several drafts, A SCRIPT IS BORN.
I share this process because thinking through it helped me finish the script this week. I was having a terrible time with the KEY SMACKING. I was excited by the idea. I wanted to work on it. But every time I sat down at my computer, I became antsy and suddenly needed to google an obscure plot point of a classic episode of Doctor Who from 1972.

Eventually, I accepted the restlessness and did as much of the writing as I could as WANDER WORK. I broke the script down into chunks, went for walks, and mumbled the lines and beats to myself. Once I had them, I tried to get home quickly and just write the damn ideas down.
We all have to get the words down or the paint on the canvas or the plumbing behind the wall or whatever is correct for your project. The step of making it real is often the most stressful. This time, it helped me to move quickly past berating myself and just adjust my process.
Take that, song. I am not a garbage person, I did not make a garbage choice.
I had some wonderful time with friends--an online RPG, a birthday party, a religious ceremony. I watched some television with my wife (For All Mankind Season 4, not done yet, no spoilers) and I read a book I really enjoyed (Anno Dracula by Kim Newman).
But I also struggled with my own obsessive nature. When I decide to get something done (like the film script) I'm a dog with a bone. But if I'm tired and want to sit on the couch, I attack relaxing with the same deadly serious tenacity. I'm not just going to sit on the couch, I'm going to DRILL DOWN and disappear. We will merge. I will BE the couch.
As the new year stumbles on, I'm feeling great about GETTING PROJECTS DONE. But with a chill in the air, I'm also wanting to hibernate like a sleepy little bear. I'm struggling to find balance.
I had one day this week where I nailed it. In the morning, I recorded some podcasts. In the early afternoon, I did some writing. Then my wife got home from work early and we decided--LET'S GO WILD. Let's eat dinner at 4:30 pm like we're 87 years old. We had very early dinner and then I read a book for two hours.
It was great and rare and I'll be chasing that balanced feeling this week, striving for a repeat. Which brings me to--
Since I had a big creative goal last time, I’m going to give myself a slightly lighter goal this week. I'm going to finish reading a book on funding independent films. There's the show and the business in ol' show business. And this week, I'll be spending some energy on the business.
I'd love for this newsletter to encourage folks to tackle their goals. I heard from several readers who kindly told me their projects for last week--including game design, reading a book for a book club, a crafting project, and more. Hopefully, Buttondown will add a comments section soon, but until then feel free to reach out to me on social media and let me know what projects you’re working on this week.
All proceeds from the below go straight to my production company, Strange Path, and will help us continue to make films, podcasts, and more.

Multiple comedy albums and a cosmic horror tale on Bandcamp.
Strange Path t-shirts as well as art prints from my photography on Threadless.
Early access to films and other rewards on my Patreon.
Thanks for joining me and I look forward to next week. Will I make my goal? Will you make yours? Will I eat a whole frozen pizza after I tell myself I'm not going to? The answers await in THE FUTURE. Until then, here's a sketch working through the sensation I experienced this week of feeling pulled in many different directions. Hope it's cathartic! Best of luck on your adventures!