Headlines for 1922
A podcast about the great movies.
Jan 11 is the first successful treatment of diabetes with insulin, which my pops has needed three times a day for more than 50 years, so that is literally the only reason I’m here to read these headlines, shout out to Fred Banting
February 1 - Actor and director William Desmond Taylor is murdered in a still-unsolved mystery, which - coupled with the previous year’s Roscoe Arbuckle scandal - prompted the addition of “morals clauses” to film contracts and the eventual formation of the Hays Office. There’s a really good, fairly recent book about this whole mishegoss called Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood by William J. Mann.
In February there was a new pope, Pius XI, who thereafter made his siblings book an appointment to see him and only refer to him as His Holiness, but he also seemed to not like Hitler, so. Mixed bag, those popes.