EFM | Beginnings + time series
EFM | Sound. Music. Electronics. A newsletter about any and all things sound and technology. time series 10.03
Welcome to the first of a respectful amount ~ of newsletters 🤞🏿

EFM began at the start of this year, as an outlet for sharing music, but also out of a deep love for the technology behind what we hear, the processes, and the techniques that get us there.
The idea of a newsletter has danced on my mind ever since a lovely conversation with my friend CJ (Tropical Futures Institute) a few months ago and his subsequent newsletter… however, time series (more below) has now provided a perfect opportunity to begin, so i have begun.
My original intent remains the same however; for this mailer to function as a repository for useful (*perhaps educational) links, videos, resources and general musings about all things related to music, sound, electronics and technology.
Thank you for being here, and following this journey - hope there’s something useful here for you, or perhaps for someone you know. Feel free to share…
Now, on to the businesssssss…🛰️
time series
In mathematics, a time series is a series of data points indexed (or listed or graphed) in time order.
The data points here are the experiences, moments of listening, of absorbing and being in communion with others.
My aim is to facilitate opportunities for electronic musicians and sound artists to share their work, fostering an environment of listening and learning.
I also want to help lower the barriers that often surround this style of performance. In the future, I hope to incorporate talks, lectures, and workshops as resources and space permit.
what else!

The performances will be digitally recorded - as well as recorded on this fun cassette tape rig. The tapes will be reproduced and available for sale sometime in the near future! 🔈
*I’ll continue to evolve this process, and other tools to provide the artists with resources to experiment with…
the space:

We’ll be taking up residence in the private backroom of Jac’s on Bond in Manhattan. It’s a lovely small room, with warm lighting, well insulated brick walls and a very cozy atmosphere.
At the moment, the intention is to run this series frequently - however nothing will be certain until the first one’s done! So with that being said, your support is not only welcome but is very needed, to make this a reality. I believe live electronic music performance and spaces that support such, should be abundant and experienced by all.
the artist:

Russell E.L. Butler is a New York-based sound artist, DJ, educator originally from Bermuda.
Their work is incredibly expansive; ranging from forward thinking dance/techno to more melodic, experimental sonic explorations.
Check out this lovely video series from 2017 in which they’re featured:
They’ll be presenting a new body of work called I Moved to New York to Become a Woman which they debuted at Present Sounds.
Having followed their work for quite a few years, it’s such a pleasure to be able to present their art to you.

Find them here: Instagram | Bandcamp
things to note!
Please arrive on-time, it’ll help with unnecessary shuffling distractions!
Once the performance starts, we ask that you keep your phones silent and talking to a minimum.
At the time of this email the 8:30pm is at capacity, but the wait-list is open! There are still a few available spots for 10pm. (Note: If you’ve signed up for an earlier rez but would like to stay the whole night, please sign up for the latter slot too.)
It is a bar, so you can order drinks! There will be someone walking around taking orders but you’re welcome to shuffle to the bar in front to order drinks/food. Popcorn will be provided 🍿
EFM is also a radio show! Once a month on The Lot Radio
Next show: 10/25
Past episodes archived here:
That’s all for the moment! Thank you for reading and please reach out with any music, thoughts, resources, feedback, cool links, money, etc. » line@efm.plus
EFM | Sound.Music.Electronics