Saturday on the Drummer Stream
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STREAMING <ways to listen> POP-UP PLAYER <ways to listen> TUNEIN
11:00 – 2:00pm (ET) :::::: Live from Montclair, New Jersey
BOB BRAINEN'S SHOW with Bob Brainen | Playlist & Chat
Please here in honor of Bob's show
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2:00 – 5:00pm (ET) :::::: Live from Brooklyn, New York
MUSIC FOR A FREE WORLD with Dave Sewelson | Playlist & Chat
Please here in honor of Dave's show
Special Guest Co-Host: Claire Daly
Fellow baritone saxist extraordinaire Claire Daly joins Dave for the fun-raising.
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5:00 – 7:00pm (ET) :::::: Live from Nashville, Tennessee
SOMEDAY MATINEE with Gina Bacon | Playlist & Chat
Please here in honor of Gina's show
Special Guest: Jay Bragg
Originally from Maine, Jay Bragg has been making his way through he music industry in Nashville since he landed 5 years ago. He’s getting ready to release an album he recorded with his Dad called called Songs of Our Fathers and he’ll be coming in to play for us and talk about all of that.
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7:00 – 10:00pm (ET) :::::: Live from Tucson, Arizona
OBSERVATIONS OF DEVIANCE with David Mittleman | laylist & Chat
Please here in honor of David's show
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10:00 – 1:00am (ET) :::::: Live from New Jersey's legendary Starlite Lounge
THE HOTWIRE MANDATE with Mike Lupica | Playlist & Chat
Please here in honor of Mike's show
Massive thanks to listener Kat in the chat for adopting the Give the Drummer Radio stream for 2024-25!
Hear something on Give the Drummer Radio but miss the artist/song info? See THIS PLAYLIST of every song played on the stream during the past week!
You can view the entire GTDR broadcast schedule here.