Jewish Transphobia is Awful
There is no place for Jewish transphobia!

I woke up this morning expecting to enjoy one last day of the 2024 Paris Olympics. It was not in my plans to deal with Jewish transphobia. To say it has been A DAY would not be an understatement.
I’ve followed a number of Jewish accounts on Instagram in the days, weeks, and months following October 7. In recent weeks, I’ve found myself unfollowing more accounts because of their attacking trans rights (either intentionally or not) or shilling for the Trump/Vance ticket. I’m sorry but I have red lines and that’s one of them. The future of American democracy is just important to me as my Judaism and transgender rights.
One such account had to be unfollowed this morning because of the following post. I didn’t have any problem with the graphic shared because I thought they were doing it to be an ally. But then, I read the caption and holy shit. IMMEDIATE UNFOLLOW.

There are ways to be critical of the United Nations without having to be transphobic about it. The comments are full of transphobia and I’ve had quite the block party as such. Thank you to those who have called out the transphobia in the comments!
Jewish transphobia is no different than LGBTQ antisemitism—both are awful and both need to be called out. I’m going to vet the Jewish influencer accounts that I follow going forward because many of them are beginning to show their true colors as we get closer to election day in America.